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About electrode

  • Birthday 12/27/2012

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    Crawford county
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  1. electrode


    Be prepared to wait in line. It moves quickly though.They only do dry rub which is awesome. You can add the sauce at the table. There's a brewery right around the corner.
  2. electrode


    Peg Leg Porker... Your Welcome
  3. I picked one up a few months back. I was surprised how accurate it is. If you are adding goodies, check out Hogue grips and stock.
  4. Dang, I'm not sure I can make it. If anyone would like to submit a letter, send it here Josh.Ferdelman@ohiohouse.gov
  5. I'll give them a try. Been running PRs the last few years. PR4's have been awesome.
  6. Anyone available Nov 8th at 9:00am? Just heard from Rep. who left a message: I left a voicemail with you but figured I'd reach out by email as well. We'd love to have you come give proponent testimony for the bill on Wednesday November 8 at 9 AM. All we need is for you to submit a written testimony beforehand (it doesn't have to be long, 1 page is fine, 4 is probably the max). Just email a copy to me at this address. If you are not able to make it, that's perfectly fine, we'd just ask that you can give a written statement. Please let us know soon.
  7. Well, it looks like we have House Bill 280! I just wanted to update you that Rep. Goodman gave sponsor testimony on the bill (now officially HB 280) to the House Transportation and Public Safety committee yesterday, and it was received warmly by the members. We are hoping to have a second hearing on the bill sometime in October for proponents to testify on the bill. All hearings are public, and if you'd like, you're able to come in to testify on the bill. If you're interested, let me know and I can let you know when proponent testimony is. Best,Brent RossmanLegislative AideRepresentative Wesley GoodmanOhio House of RepresentativesDistrict 87Rep87@ohiohouse.gov614.644.6265
  8. Awesome. Didn't think we had a chance.
  9. This works well for me. The Sena is probably the best upgrade I have done for long distance riding.
  10. UPDATE: I wanted to update you that Rep. Goodman as decided to introduce a bill to address this issue. We are currently gathering co-sponsors, and plan to introduce the bill within the next two weeks. Thank you once again for bringing this to our attention. We will keep you informed on the progress of the bill going forward. If you'd like to participate in the process, there will be an opportunity for proponents of the bill to testify in support of it during committee hearings. Sincerely, Brent Rossman Legislative Aide Representative Wesley Goodman Ohio House of Representatives District 87 Rep87@ohiohouse.gov 614.644.6265
  11. I had Spencer's mod the seat for the 1250. Can't wait to try it out. Installed a touring windshield (I hate well nuts). Installed rebuilt forks on the sv. While I was at it I changed the front brake fluid and clutch fluid. Tonight i'll order tires for the wife's S40. It looks like Jake Wilson has the lowest prices.
  12. About half the construction workers in Texas are undocumented. Good luck finding legal workers to build a wall.
  13. I have a 2005 SV1K I want to sell. Has fairings and luggage racks. Put bars on in place of the clip ons. Under your price range too!
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