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Posts posted by crb

  1. I guess I was looking for recommendations on dealers that would do right by me. I HATE car shopping. I walked out of 3 or 4 dealerships last time and that was only dealing with one trade. I can only imagine 3 being w worse.

    I also welcome advice concerning jeeps. Ive never been a jeep guy. I have been a truck guy for years. Truck sits yoo much. Looking at a full size suv to cover towing. Jeep seems like it would be nice for country drives with the top down. All year drivable. Probably wont off road it heavy.

    How easy do the hard tops come off the wrangler unlimiteds? One person job? 2 or 3?

  2. Been a while, but I gots a question that should be up your alley.

    Decided the bikes are going. I like riding, but im thinking about a jeep wrangler, something more family oriented.

    1. Can you recommend a decent dealer that isn't going to bend me over too hard. Two bikes and a pickup will be traded likely.

    P.s I hate car shopping! No offense carwhore.


    2. A bike dealer to buy the bikes that will not screw me too bad.

    Due to my schedule selling them privately may be difficult.

  3. Mags are in deliveries will start this week and weekend. I'll get them counted out and boxed up tomorrow probablly and try to start meeting with people on Weds. Ill PM everybody when I can meet up and in the order you guys locked in.

    I've changed schedules so it will be harder to meet. I know you don't want to ship so please offer the ones I requested to others. If somebody else doesn't take them pm me an address and I will send you the money to honor my commitment. I would either see somebody that is still active get the deal.


  4. Great. I stopped giving a fuck about 5 posts ago. We get it, you're super, super busy and can't be bothered with all that movie hullabaloo.

    Like I said, the latest Tyler Perry movie is still in theaters, it's nice, short, and brainless. Your opinion has been noted (again, and again), let the adults talk about the adult movie.

    I was replying to the posts since I was sleeping.

    I'm out!

  5. I swear if he regurgitates the shit that Limbaugh spewed I'm going to consider him a mouthbreather worse than his absolute least favorite liberal ever. I normally give crb far more credit to put together rationale thoughts so there must be more than the Limbaugh thing because I can't believe someone of crb's intelligence could believe that

    statements and theories like that is what makes the super conservative right so moronic and punch themselves in the own dick when it comes to electing who they want

    I haven't been to a movie theater in 2 years, I simply don't have the time. I definetly don't enjoy seeing 3hr films in theaters. No way in Hell would I stand in line all say to see a movie, as I don't like crowds. I get my movie reviews from several sources one being my old man whom hasn't given me his review yet. I don't like political under tones in movies sorry. I like to get away when I go to the movies.

  6. It is a movie........not real!!!!!!

    Exactly why I don't care to go see a occupy gotham movie. I don't want to go to a movie theater to see political crap. I go to laugh and be in make believe. :) besides the movie is 2hr 45 mins long, I prefer to watch long movies at home. The last couple years we haven't been to many movies.

  7. OM? (Not sure what letter to put there now since "G" doesn't fit anymore) maybe it should OMSF (Oh my sky fairy) Obama is perfect he never broke any laws regarding drug use, and what he did or didn't do with another consenting man in the privacy of his perfect bedroom is his business. Mitt Romney needs to release his birth certificate, tax records, bank statements, drug test, lie detector test results, and computer hard drives. We need to vet this racist bigoted republican scare monger!

  8. Wow, so sad.. So I have a question. Say that theater didn't allow guns, if you took yours in anyway, not knowing you were going to need it and you had to use it.. How much trouble would you be in if you did take out that crazy fucker? Because obviously you're within your rights to use it. BUT you're not supposed to have it.

    Depends on the state. In Ohio as long as it isn't an enumerated zone you could be charged with criminal trespass if asked to leave otherwise it is a civil matter.

  9. I have "looked up" what Karl Marx "pushed."

    Yes. I'm a "dillusional liberal brain dead Obama bot," because I understand history, and know what words mean.

    The fact that a person believes in some principles that are also held by socialists does not make one a socialist.

    You clearly believe that President Obama is not a good President. You know who else believes he isn't a good President? The KKK. Shall I assume, then, that since you and the KKK share this ideal, you must be a member of the KKK?

    You mean "you're," by the way.


    I don't think you're a "big meanie."

    I just don't think you know what either Marxism or Socialism actually are.

    I think you probably have a limited understanding of both history and politics, which is true of so many people, given that last rant there. It's pretty easy to fall back on insults and ranting when you're unable to make a solid point.

    You won me over to your side. Thank you for helping me see the light. FORWARD! YES WE CAN! HOPE AND CHANGE!

    Obama is perfect he the PERFECT father, PERFECT husband, PERFECT American, PERFECT President, PERFECT Christian, PERFECT uncle, PERFECT son, PERFECT grandson, he had committee ZERO crimes, he is PERFECT!


  10. you're telling me. There are no less than 7 bridge overpasses on 77 between where I was and where I had to go. There were 2 cops per bridge and that was only half way to where he was going. They shut every single one down when he was schedule to pass through and there are only 2 ways home. To take the back roads and zig zag up over 3 of these or take the freeway. All were shut down, I had no clue he was in town and was livid before I found out it was his fault.

    and before anyone complains, I don't give a shit if I like the President in office, don't fuck up my commute because I will get angry and not vote for you on those grounds alone

    I got lucky and came through early, but the FBI and state police kept darting every which way and freaking the cagers out.

  11. sounds only half as bad as when Obummer was in CLE a couple weeks back and turned my normal 15 min drive home from my grandpa's house into a 45 min trek :nono:

    All the damn FBI and State police really screwed traffic up while inspecting the bridges and over passes for Obama.

  12. Pascal's wager, thinly veiled...

    Worst case scenario is that there is a god, but its not the one you pray to... then you'll go to that god's version of hell... then what?

    So it is then, I guess. Would I be in a different position than you? Nope! If that's the case if you die first reserve me a spot next door. :) its called faith for a reason.

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