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Posts posted by crb

  1. Not accurate huh?

    This page: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/14/poll-gun-control-that-americans-support/

    Links to this study: http://www.people-press.org/2013/01/14/in-gun-control-debate-several-options-draw-majority-support/


    Which says:

    Every study we come up with to show that gun control is not wanted, they will come back with one that shows it IS.

    That's because people believe in biased medias reporting on "gun show loop hole"

    Ask someone if their father should be able to give them or sell them a firearm without a background check and see what their answer is. Sheeple envision guys in scary outfits selling full auto assault weapons via the "gun show loop hole". Of course the sheeple believe AR stands for Assault Rifle instead of ArmAlite Rifle.

  2. I'm already seeing prices drop. Obama's plan was more diluted than anticipated and all of the panicked masses bought their $2000 ARs. Watch Armslist as the new in box ARs start hitting. They'll start out at around $1500, but they'll be $1200 by next week as the "holy shit, prices are dropping" panic sets in. Panic buyers are prone to panic selling. I anticipate $900 ARs by March. As for ammo, private sales will follow this trend as well, but retail will take a little longer to re-supply. All in all, the EOs had little teeth to them and congress is pretty unlikely to pass anything other than maybe a 10-round limit. These are my opinions, so I can't provide links. Sometimes I rely on life experience and education rather than Rush, Sean, Glenn, Bill, Piers, Fox, Huffington, et al.

    I see prices dropping as well, but they are not back to normal. I agree with march assessment. However march isn't a week or two away. :) I suspect the first round of pmags that a arrive in stores will disappear. I know w when my dealer gets some in at normal price I will be picking more up just to have on hand. I look for lots of used/new previously owned Ar's on the shelves by summer. Ammo may take a while to normalize as far as supply. There are a lot of empty shelves to resupply. Glad I I didn't panic buy. :)

    AR prices will probably be lower than pre panic even for new AR's. I saw that in 08/09. The flood of AR's for sale drove the market price down.

  3. If any bans are passed soon, they will derail my thinking here. I figure that since all the companies are pumping out all they can, in a few weeks, supply will be back. By then, the customers in the market for items, ( AR parts, semi-auto magazines ) will already have what they want, and prices should become "normal-ish"

    :lol: I think that is months away. People are still hoarding looking for more, and they think they can sell them for huge profit like so many guys are now . I would settle for a little ammo on the shelves.

  4. Doesn't matter who said it - religious bias is not allowed.

    The bias will never end. How do you propose creation is taught? Not teach the big bang theory, life cycle, evolution, reincarnation, etc at all? Will always be biased. The state has NO business educating kids.

    Fyi Scruit the question is rhetorical (sp?)

  5. If I own a bunch of guns that have been backgrounded in my name if I die whoever they go to has to get backgrounded on them would be my read on Casper's proposal.

    Caspers law says to transfer ownership the new owner must be backgrounded. Why or how the transfer is happening is not relevant.

    That is the way I read it. I find it stupid for that instance right there.

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