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Posts posted by crb

  1. You tell me, was it gods plan or was it free will? if you subscribe to 1, the other means nothing...

    I don't pretend to subscribe to the sky fairy, I'm a soft determinist, and subscribe to certain levels of free will.

    My assumption is that Z believed it was Gods plan for him to be armed to defend himself. Just because God has a plan doesn't mean we follow it. I don't know Gods plan for Z, M, or me.

    You ridicule the "sky fairy" all you want.

    Worse case scenario the "sky fairy" doesn't exist, and when I die they throw dirt in my face just like they will to you.

  2. Tell that to all those babies born with aids...

    "God wants you to be sick and die a painful death"

    Tell that to the parents that weren't using safe sex practices. I guess blame the God that you don't believe, its easier than personal responsibility. How did God give these babies aids? Did God force the "parents" with aids to have sex?

  3. you can regret the outcome of something without regretting your actions. I regret that i ran over a dog last month, it's sad, but i don't regret riding or trying to avoid it.

    And, this may floor you but some people who believe in god feel that his will is at play even in tragedies, and things happen for a reason that only he understands.

    A sand, well-adjusted person would have listened to that and figured it out, but you're eating your own turds at this point in this whole argument.





  4. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/trayvon-martin-parents-reject-george-zimmerman-apology-130326614.html

    so he's sorry, but he doesn't regret it and it's all god's fault... yeah that's not contradictory at all...

    sounds like something a sane and well adjusted human being would say.

    Who says you are sane and well adjusted? He didn't say its all God's adult. :nono:

    I took that as him being sorry for the parent's loss, but not regretting the actions that caused the loss.

    Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

    Yes, that is how I took it listening to the actual interview. Thank you for being sane and rational! :)

    Oh and yes I listened to the Sean Hannity show on the evil faux news for once simply to hear Zimmerman in his own words. The question becomes can he prove his story, or disprove the prosecutor's story. Little new was learned except his side of some of the timeline.

  5. Funny cause when i was younger I always judged people by their shoes and cars. Laugh about it now. Yes you really don't know who has and who doesn't have monies.

    Used to sell appliances, and I wouldn't even try to guess what somebody was going to spend. I got quite a few because the other sales guy would think oh they are gonna buy cheap and I won't make commission. I had a farmer in bibs come in the other guy says he's all yours, farmer whips out a huge wad of money at the register. I ended up selling him over $6,000 in appliances, and he paid cash. The $6k wasn't but maybe a 1/4 the wad he was carrying around. I don't judge peoples worth.

  6. Wait - Cheech is Justin? :confused:

    Sorry, Justin, I've been calling you the wrong name all these years...


    Obama is not a Marxist/Engelsist/Socialist/Communist? Really? Well then, how do you explain that the band that opened for his rally in Oregon is named after the 1825 revolt against Imperial Russian Succession???

    No answer? Didn't think so...:rolleyes:

    Just admit you are a racist, bigoted, redneck and all will be okay. :)

  7. President Obama isn't a Marxist. Or a Socialist, or any of those other scary words. One who calls him a Marxism is merely demonstrating that he doesn't know what Marxism is (or Socialism, for that matter).

    I'm kind of surprised that one redneck racist sheriff so quickly spun up a 7 page thread here so quickly.

    Your a dillusional liberal brain dead Obama bot, got it. Maybe you look up what Karl Marx pushed. If you can't draw barrels well the previous applies. Socialist? Does he believe in wealth redistribiotion? Is wealth redistributuon a socialistic idea? He believes in universal health care is that a socialistic idea? Guess not. Suppose he couldn't be classified as a progressive or liberal idea huh?

    You have made me see the I'm just a big meanie! My apologies for calling the savior any mean names. He is a moderate democrat constitionalist! He has the most transparent administration. He has a spotless record and is simply doing what's best for the USSA. You have made me see the light I shall change my mean, redneck, racist, bigoted libertarian/republican ways and vote for hope and change. :)

    Thank you for helping me see the error in my ways.

    • Upvote 1
  8. ohhh, you're a hannity nut swinger... got it

    "anointed one"

    Nope sorry again. I've been using anointed one since before he was elected, because the media refused to investigate much into his politics and gave him a free pass. I sometimes catch a small bit of Mark Levin while waiting to listen to David Webb. By the way I listen to David Webb because I'm a redneck racist, not because he is a intelligent conservative tea party leader. Oops he founded one branch of the tea party, he must be racist also. Can blacks, Mexicans, Asians, etc be racist or only us crackers. Then I listen to some of NRA news, cause I'm a chicken fucking racist redneck. Now usually part way through I change it to 90's on 9, one of 3 country stations, classic rock, or one of two comedy channels. Now on the weekend I primarily listen to the music or comedy except between 4-7 I listen to Kevin rutherford on the trucking channel. Occasional I listen to some of Mike Church's program on the patriot channel.

    Can't stand to listen to Beck or Hannity. Sorry MSNBC fanboy chicken fuckers.

  9. the "tea party" is actually a pseudo grass roots organization (if you can call it that) that was made up and cultivated by fox news...

    I don't hate the tea party, I just think they are mildly bigoted, and majorly misguided...

    I even agree with some of their premises, but as a "movement" on the whole, mostly a whole lot of hot air with a tinge of racism.

    Our federal government should be limited further, but so should the churches, the corporations, and the lobbyists...

    Fox news created the tea party? Who is the one buying into conspiracy theories? The tea party is racist? The the tea party is a group of people. Sure there are some idiots, but as a whole I don't believe they are racist. You should see a doctor for your fear of churches and fox news. You may need mediated.

    I guess MSNBC started the occupy wall street and other occupy groups? At least the tea party didn't need rape free zones and didn't litter the parks.

    You give fox news way too much credit! Seriously see a shrink

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