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Posts posted by crb

  1. One pair of used Auburn Leather saddlebags. They were supposedly previously mounted to a HD sportster. I have sportster saddlebag mounts laying around here somewhere too if I find them you can have them with it if needed.






  2. I want your views to actually represent what you say you are. Its fucking common sense for a persons ideas to shape their own political beliefs. You say personally you don't think we should own guns, but your political votes will be in favor of the second amendment because that's where your party line votes. If that's the case then your either confused or fucking stupid because I've never in my 15 years of voting met a single person who's personal views varied from their political views.

    Ill be honest, your comments on the Chris Kyle threads has my blood boiling. I have to say I wouldn't put it past someone to knock your damn teeth out at how you spoke about him or any other solider, marine, sailor, or airman. Those are my brothers and sisters who I personally served with. I personally take offense to the notion that you would talk down to the people who protect the very freedoms you enjoy. No Libertarian that I know of would speak in such a manner of someone of his caliber. No libertarian that I've ever met would even begin to spew the shit you spew sometimes. You seriously need to check yourself before someone plants a fist in your mouth because its running a mile a minute but you aren't heading the warnings of people who are telling you.

    My personal views differ from my political views since I don't believe my personal views s hould be forced or limit others. . Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I want it banned. Not defending magz.

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  3. remember the good old days, magz? back when you actually played the part of a self professed libertarian? the good bits are in page 3 and 4 (if you have it set to 40 posts per page)


    here is a tasty morsel

    Wish I could rep u again.

    I'll put up that sign when you put up a sign that says "I have a tiny penis and a big gun" in your front yard.

    Seriously? I'm comfortable with the size of both. I don't trust Mr. LibertARIAN to follow through or I would consider it.

  4. Side rant:

    Why is it people with baby on board stickers seem to tailgate, speed, not use turn signals, weave in and out of traffic like that sticker is their guardian angel while texting or talking on the phone.

    To the op: people are stupid. I ride as if nobody sees me. I will give credit to that forum they have gathered a large group of ignorant people. I didn't read past the first couple. I passed a pickup with one of those stickers who proceded to try and keep upwith me and nearly hit me when I was turning right on another street.

    Sorry to hear that slingchic. Our "justice" system sucks.

  5. 1 Used working xbox 360's, slim style, both have hard drives, no red ring, never any issues. Will include at least one controller and cables for each. $90

    Nintendo 3ds aqua blue I believe, nerf foam cover on it since day one, screen protectors on it since out of box, charger $90

    All adult owned and not mistreated. Not much interest in tgem anymore with baby on the way. May consider trades.

  6. I need some 22 (short or LR, doesn't matter) for this weekend. Called Cinti area ranges, and only Target World had some in stock and would sell to me if I wasn't shooting at the range, but only allow one box of 50 rounds per person per day.

    Since I'm such a noob, lemme axe you this:

    Would it be inappropriate to ask someone browsing in the shop to buy me another box, i.e. act like it was for them? I don't know what the protocol is...


    Try it..

  7. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennesaw,_Georgia

    In 2007, the city was selected by Family Circle magazine as one of the nation's "10 best towns for families".[3] The city is perhaps best known nationally for its mandatory gun-possession ordinance.[4]

    As to tonik's comment, there is a big difference between a city passing an ordinance like this and obama care. If you don't like the city ordinance, you can escape it by moving to another city.

    I'm not supporting it or opposing it as it doesn't affect me. Unconstitutional? I've never read Georgia's constitution, so I can't answer that one. Kennesaw has had the law.



    Frequently Asked Question

    Does Kennesaw have a law requiring every household to own a firearm?

    Yes, an ordinance was passed in 1982 requiring every head of household to maintain a firearm and ammunition. It was passed as a response to a law in Morton Grove, Illinois which banned guns within their city limits. In 1982, Kennesaw was a rural community, population 5,000, who were passionate supporters of safeguarding the Constitutional rights of citizens. Although the ordinance required owning a firearm, it essentially exempted anyone didn't want to because of their beliefs. The Kennesaw of today is a progressive community of 30,000. The law is still on the books, but it has never been enforced and many current residents are probably unaware of it.

    Although the crime rate in Kennesaw was said to have dropped after the ordinance passed, there are no records maintained from that time and there is is no statistical proof to attribute the law as the cause. However, the city's crime rate continues to be among the lowest in the state and is the lowest in Cobb County.

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