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Posts posted by crb

  1. I have neighbors who did the same thing. I told them about it and they just couldn't understand what the problem was. They said, 'If you encounter any mess, just tell us and we'll come and clean it.' I said, 'So let me get this straight. When I step in your dogs shit, I'm supposed to walk over here, knock on your door, hope your home and then hope you'll clean it up? I suggest we skip all that and you just keep your dog off my lawn.'

    Of course that didn't do anything so I called animal control, they stopped by, checked for license tags (you guessed it, none), grabbed the doggy by the scruff of the neck and carted him off. I waved.

    The funniest thing was that they have young girls who play in the neighborhood and I asked them, why didn't you just let him out in your nice, fenced-in back yard? They said, our mom doesn't like to do that because he poops in the yard. Tragic

    :lol: classic

  2. FR44 Insurance Filings People with out a car

    Don't Own a Car and need an FR44? Auto Insurance for drivers with no car and a DUI or DWI.

    If you do not own a car but find yourself still needing an FR44 insurance filing or FR44 insurance filing, our team can help you find a non-owner insurance policy.

    A non-owner FR44 insurance policy is designed for people who do not own a car, have a car titled in their name, nor have a car available for regular use but still need an FR44 filing in Florida or Virginia to keep their license or to release a suspension. Our team has helped many drivers who do not own a car to obtain insurance with an FR44 filing.

    A non-owner insurance policy may go by different names, depending on the location and the carrier.

    broad form non-owner policy

    non-owner insurance policy

    named non-owner policy

    Drivers who find themselves in a situation where they do not own a car but need an FR44 filings in another state due to receiving a DUI, DUI, or OUI in another state should let us know when requesting a quote so that we can help you obtain the correct paperwork.


  3. If you borrow someones car, you, the borrower, are not responsible for insuring that person's car. If they give you permission to drive their car, their coverage extends to you. There is a 'permissive use' clause in the insurance policy. But if their car is not insured, it is not the borrowers legal responsibility to have coverage or to ensure there is coverage for that car. It would be smart to make sure the car is insured, but there is no legal requirement. The insurance policy also says you must be the titled owner of any vehicle you are insuring, therefore you cannot insure someone else's vehicle.

    Clear enough?

    If not, maybe call the Dept of Insurance for Ohio.

    SIL was cited for driving without insurance in a uninsured borrowed car in Ohio after a single vehicle accident. She did not know it wasn't insured. The prosecutor told her is she had insurance covering her that she wouldn't have been cited or lost her license.

  4. This doesnt make sense. From my understanding I am covered in anybody's vehicle. I don't carry state minimum though. My SIL got dinged because she was driving an uninsured car and she didn't have insurance either since she didn't have a car. She lost her license for a year I believe, but got a to work permit. I didn't know until then that there were policies to cover you even without a car.

    Remember in Ohio your insurance follows your car. If you let someone borrow your car they borrow your insurance as well. Learned that one the hard way (SIL again)

    I don't think we were charged a deductible when my SIL bumped someone while driving our car. Wonder if they charged the deductible to her. Hmmmm

  5. Main Entry: fas·cism

    Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces

    Date: 1921

    1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized government headed by a leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

    — fas·cist \-shist also -sist\ noun or adjective often capitalized

    — fas·cis·tic \fa-ˈshis-tik also -ˈsis-\ adjective often capitalized

    — fas·cis·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb often capitalized

    Hmmm sounds like right wing conservatives. . :lol:

    Mr. Patriot you forgot to call republicans woman hating racist terrorist. Come on you can do better.

    Shall I pull up the definition of socialist for you as well?

    With all due respect Mr. PATRIOTISM! !! :bow:

  6. Main Entry: Na·zi

    Pronunciation: \ˈnät-sē, ˈnat-\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: German, by shortening & alteration from Nationalsozialist, from national national + Sozialist socialist

    Date: 1930

    1 : a member of a German fascist party controlling Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler 2 often not capitalized a : one who espouses the beliefs and policies of the German Nazis : fascist b : one who is likened to a German Nazi : a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person

    — nazi adjective often capitalized

    — na·zi·fi·ca·tion \ˌnät-si-fə-ˈkā-shən, ˌnat-\ noun often capitalized

    — na·zi·fy \ˈnät-si-ˌfī, ˈnat-\ transitive verb often capitalized

    Yep sounds like conservatives are the Nazis..... lol

  7. I don't think so.Read the definition you posted and tell me that solider doesn't embody that definition.

    If you want to cheapen the word patriot by appling it to people that do nothing more than talk,or support an agend,then have at it.Call me wrong,but I will ALWAYS respect those who serve and sacrifce over those who talk.

    Just remember the old saying..."the last refuge of a scoundral is patriotism".A scoundral will never do what that soilder did,but they will talk.

    You don't have to be a patriot to be a hero.The man that jumped into a freezing pond in Columbus last week to try to rescue a child is a hero,regardless if he was a patriot or not.

    :lol::popcorn: my new favorite liberal socialist pinko commie. :)

    Almost forgot :stirpot:

  8. You guys could burn your fingerprints off then go make up an identity get a state ID card and claim you dont work just make babies for a living. Then as an added bonus to the free health care if your kid becomes an asshole you can show them the birth certificate that has the fake names and say they were adopted.


    It is simply aggravating that we work and pay for our insurance and the welfare mommas yet we can't expect tgem to pay a dime. Tax payer = copay welfare recipient=FREE 100% FREE!

    To the OP: good luck with the surgery.

  9. I cut soda Sunday before noon. I had a headache half of Monday and nothing since. I didn't completely cut caffeine. I've had 64 oz of unsweetened tea and I drink cran energy drinks that have green tea. I did have a 8oz natural sierra mist the other day to settle my stomach . I haven't had any cravings. I add mio some of the time to my water.

  10. Well all I know is I hit a deer and called it in and she said you mean a deer hit you and I said no I didn't see it soon enough and it ran out and I hit it and then she said no you mean the deer hit you they always hit you.

    It is the same thing we do in the trucking industry. Thr deer in trucking always hits you otherwise some companies will put it as preventable on your record. Luckily I work for a decent company.

    I had a deer hit me in my first car.

    Totally agree scruit hit the animal. I have a hard time allowing dogs to hit me though.

    I have had no issue with my shop or their shop.

    Most policies say aftermarket parts. If you want OEM parts take their check and pay the additional. I have no experience as a customer with progressive, but my parents do. I hope your experience is better than theirs. I had to deal with one of progressive's adjusters once and he was pleasant. I however was not as his client was very rude at the accident.

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