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Posts posted by crb

  1. Magz I mean IP you have gone too far this time! IP say what you are really thinking "live by the sword die by the sword" Have a little sympathy or at least learn to keep your mouth shut!

    The world is a dangerous place! Criminals have little or no regard for human life including innocent children. This is exactly why I encourage my wife to make full use of her CHL!

    Why are we not hearing the media out cries of racial hate crime. This isn't getting near the coverage the martin/Zimmerman got. Doesn't fit the media's agenda I guess. :dunno:

  2. How is the body holding up? I noticed that newer dodge truck rot out very fast for the price they charge. I have seen 05 trucks with more rust then my father-in-laws old 89 dodge.

    05-06 was a bad year I think, in-laws I'd rusted over wheel well. They had it fixed and it is doing it again.

  3. I've heard WallyWorld will get in bricks of 5000 22LR, but it's gone rather quickly.

    edit: yeah... time to quick get the .17 and .22 BBs and pellets before they are gone also...

    What next, arrows and slingshot ammo?


    I was told ammo comes in at 7:30 a.m. and to be in line if I want anything. I said forget it!

  4. FYI I stopped by Cabella's tonight to see what subcompact pistols and ammo they had. As expected, there was no 9mm, 40mm, .22 (not even hornet), .45 or 38 special to be found. They did have a few boxes of special load .380 for $30 (yikes!) but one guy bought them just as I passed by. Tons of 12 gauge though - seems as if bird and buck shot aren't being run on yet. The prices on the shelves looked somewhat normal (once they get stock back) - I remember seeing CCI for $9.99. I did pick up .22 pellets and CO2 for my Crossman 150 - at least I'll have something to do at the range. ;-)

    Up north here buck shot is gone! I can find different pistol calibers in different towns. My Wal-Mart has 44, 38, and 357. My pusher has some 9, 40, 45, 38, 357, 380 defense rounds no range amno though, and only a few boxes of each. Another store I visited a little south of me had tons of 45 and 44 range and defense, they had a few boxes of hornady 223 rounds until I showed up.

  5. Doesn't everyone keep 5,000 rounds of 22lr in their sock drawer?

    No but I might have a case or two in my linen closet. You just burn through so much 22lr at the range especially if you got kids with you.

  6. Used to be 86wpm, now who knows I rarely ever use a keyboard. I use my phone or tablet 90%+ of the time. I've never typed with proper form though, which aggravated my college professor. She left me alone though because I could type plenty fast enough. Proper form slows me down.

  7. So tempted to show you some rep for this (negative that is.) :nono:

    My EVO LTE got JB a LONG time ago. I noticed VERY little different.

    For those of us that have Sprint, Foxfi does not work any more. They figured out how to block it. I've kept my phone stock - no root since I got it (shortly after it came out) but I'm seriously thinking about doing it now. I actually tried the Sprint Hotspot app, but it doesn't seem to work well. Off to xda-delvelopers I go!

    Its not on the market, but i thought u could still get it.

  8. i wish i was cool enough to be a harley 1%er

    I'm a Harley 0% er. :) I don't drink, no leather, chain wallet, parrot, or eye patch I definitely do every bit of the speed limit except in a small town or two that like to ticket.

    That's it I'm taking the harley name off my bike.

    Oh I also wear a helmet, gloves, non harley jacket, and boots while riding. I wear regular jeans though. I wear my gear in all weather as well. Not sold on Harley as the only motorcycle either, just what I chose for my first bike.

  9. I ride for leisure. I don't need a club or group to ride with or make me feel special. I haven't gotten many miles on my bike due to my schedule and the weather. I'm on the I could care less what you think club, can I get a cookie now? Oh and I'm definitely not a biker, just a guy who rides a motorcycle occasionally for fun, and I'm happy with that. If you are happy in who you are, why do you care what anybody else thinks???? Grow up!

    • Upvote 1
  10. If someone asks you if "you ever have one of those days" and you answer "everyday" then you need to move on.

    True! Luckily I don't have one of "those" days everday. Just lots of changes going on at work, some growing pains. This is the longest I have worked for the same company.Paydays still make it worthwhile.

  11. I've been considering changing companies, but talk myself out of it for fear of grass not being greener. I make very good money here, that out weighs the minor negatives. Good luck in your old position.

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