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Everything posted by crb

  1. http://www.marklevinshow.com/goout.asp?u=http://www.dailymarkets.com/economy/2011/04/27/gasoline-taxes-vs-exxon-profit-per-gallon/ I was low on stare average I'm sorry. http://www.exxonmobilperspectives.com/2011/04/27/gas-prices-and-industry-earnings-a-few-things-to-think-about/ http://mjperry.blogspot.com/2011/04/exxonmobil-paid-almost-1m-per-hr-in.html
  2. Maybe we should force GE obama's pet corporation and the largest exporter of jobs in America to pay at least a little bit of tax! Ah heck we can't do that it is Obama's pet
  3. Okay what am I missing? Exxon mobile made a profit of 8 cents per gallon of refined product the national average for tax on gasoline is 37 cents. So where is the conspiracy? No conspiracy just stating fact! if we are talking record profits then let us look no further than government. HMMMM. 37 cpg vs. 8cpg? Who is making record profits. C- for effort LOL!!! You can't argue FACT!
  4. I carry the emp because the wife bought it for me, I really wanted an xd45 compact or a 40 subcompact. The shop got this gun in from an estate at a great price so she got it. I am not sold on 1911 as the only option. I don't use my emp for my night stand gun because in the middle of the night I don't want to have the safety to fiddle with when I am half asleep. I keep the xdm 40 on the nightstand and a remington 12 gauge next to it. The wifes Sig Pro is in the jewelry drawer and her 12 gauge is in the bedroom closet overhead! Currently my new FNH FNP 45 is between the nighstand and bed in its case because I was playing with it. My house is the last place a criminal wants to break into LOL!
  5. The funny thing is exxon mobile the last quarter of 2010 made a profit of 8 cents per gallon of refined product. How much do we pay in taxes on a gallon of gas? Who is making the record profits? THE GOVERNMENT!!!
  6. I don't go 2 weeks lol probably wouldn't go two days most of the time but we drive a truck 5 days a week, but that's okay she makes up for it on our 2 days off ! :):):):)
  7. Don't let my wife know about the statistics lol! I think I married a nempho.
  8. I know what you mean and totally agree. I know a guy I used to work with would fit the bill he drove a geo metro, she drove an older for windstar. I don't think they had cable or cell phones. They were Christian folk like 4 kids I think. The oldest daughter got knocked up and he kept his cool. They didn't make great money but made due with what they had. There are some people just fewer and farther between.
  9. crb

    Shooting Advice

    When talking to a police officer it is a firearm or weapon not a GUN. The police are trained that gun is a trigger word generally making the instinctively draw there weapon. The gun word gets them on edge!
  10. What if the wife and I both have Android phones and only one partner does that quadruple my chances?
  11. I really liked the movie. If you use another minority the war wouldn't have come into play the movie might have lost something. Racist troll out!
  12. I'm with you snakes are evil I hate them all. My wife didn't understand how bad I hate until we went camping in Indiana and there was a snake 1,000 ft from our campsite. I was going to pack up and leave she took a hammer and killed it. Now a friend of ours told her some stories about water mocassins now she dislikes snakes.
  13. Gas prices don't hurt me as bad wife and I drive less than 150 miles a week I will notice it more probably when I buy gas for the mower and four wheeler. We make really good money so it won't break us it won't change my lifestyle one bit honestly. I feel sorry for those living paycheck to paycheck as if it keeps going up they will have to choose between feeding their family and gas to get to work. I guess they can run credit cards up if they have them but those will max out too. DRILL BABY DRILL oh shit that was the other presidential candidate oh well! SPEND BABY SPEND! Obama's policy LOL Fair tax now! Racist troll out!
  14. And......... At least he isn't a radical Muslim like Obama! Oh I'm sorry he says he's a Christian so I have to believe him after all he did go to Rev. Weights's 'GD America" church. If you listen to Rev. Wright its pretty easy to tell he is an America hater and he influenced Obama hmmmmmmm....... Since your such a Jesus expert did he have an belly button? Was it an in or out belly button? What color were his eyes? Hair? What size shoe would he wear? Did be have attached or detached ear lobes? Racist troll out!
  15. The crossbreed does very well tucked they have a video on their site that showcase it well.
  16. I ThAt Is BuSh'S fAuLt tOo! loL!!!
  17. You are correct I could have worded the first question better. The point is the colonies(states) created the federal government. Its amazing how many people believe we live in a democracy and the federal government create the states. We do elect our government officials through a democratic procedure, but we do not live in a true democracy. 51% of the people dont get anything they want we have constitional limits. Someday it feels like mob rule because the federal government operates outside of their 18 enumerated powers.
  18. I carried a full size xdm 9mm in a supertuck with no issues I barely noticed it there even with 20 rnds of 9mm. I like the supertuck because it has two belt clips instead of one so it stays put. All around comfortable holster.
  19. That's where the stain on her dress cam from!
  20. Oops I must have missed that post thanks for the quick response.
  21. I've had issues connecting to the site the last few days at different.t to.es it said the site was unavailable just thought you might want to know
  22. There you go! I hear bush is to blame for the lack of rain in texas, global warming, global cooling, my grass not being mowed, all the rain in ohio, the tornadoes in the carolinas a couple weeks ago, the tornadoes in alabama, the flooding in missouri, the gulf oil spill, the deficit, obama care, my tires wearing uneven. BLAME BUSH!!!
  23. crossbreed supertuck they aren't the cheapest holster, but very comfortable for all day wear. I prefer horsehide but that is just me. They are invisible once on and you can tuck your shirt and still not be noticed!
  24. Just wait till it hits $5.00 a gallon. This administration isn't helping the prices they want them higher so us dumb working class folk trade our cars in for hybrids. What happens to the economy if gas goes up a couple more dollars? Answer it stops because you won't be able to afford to go to work or feed your family. That's reality because everything is delivered by trucks which consume diesel price of diesel goes up so does everything! I'll be told I'm using too much tin foil but how much is gas in Europe? If gas goes to $7 or $8 a gallon will you get a raise I won't.
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