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Everything posted by crb

  1. #1because its a closer more detailed shot.
  2. crb

    Neon Lights

    I think they are cool on a cruisers they look cool on the chrome.
  3. crb

    carry in bars?

    Just like the freedom of speech doesn't apply to the internet either LOL
  4. I do a lot of online gaming I run 2 Xbox's simultaneously and sometimes 3 if the wife is using the other one to watch a movie on netflix. Usually a a computer or two is connected at the same time we are gaming and the tivo will connect to update stuff and I never have any problems.
  5. I have armstrong cable internet and love it. I have had zero problems with my cable internet.
  6. crb

    carry in bars?

    It's a fine for carrying in a bar? HA the penalty for carrying into a liquor establishment in Ohio is minimum 1 to 2 years in prison. If the judge really likes you, he will treat you to ONLY 1 year in prison. So yes after carrying in a BAR you could be behind BARS if caught and meet BUBBA just don't drop the soap unless you are into that like justin! I agree that I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. If the law is passed I won't have to worry about it any longer.
  7. crb

    carry in bars?

    Never carry there either sorry I was focused on the bars
  8. crb

    carry in bars?

    I don't carry where I am not allowed to just in case I get spotted or need to use it. I especially do not violate the restricted zones a CPZ maybe but no way where booz are served. I like my CHL and prefer to keep it and I don't want to meet Bubba!!!
  9. crb

    carry in bars?

    We better outlaw shoe strings in bars many people drink before they hang themselves and suicide is illegal! :):):):)
  10. If price is right it might make a nice glove box firearm.
  11. crb

    carry in bars?

    If you read the bill you are not allowed to drink while carrying still. The law has passed in several states and has not been an issue. I hope this bill passes especially since I ride now. I like to be able to carry and I don't like having to leave my firearm in the car or bike because an establishment serves alcohol and I am not drinking. I go to bars to eat many times its not just bars either how about pizza hut, apple bees, texas roadhouse, even some chuckey cheese's. What do you go to pizza hut for? The current law doesn't stop you from breaking the law an carrying in a bar now and drinking even though it is illegal. If you choose to break the law you will break it anyway why inhibit us law abiding citizens?
  12. I'm still here too. Today I rode my bike twice, mowed part of the yard, and bought a new 1911. World didn't end!
  13. Maybe I should go buy up the liquor store its gonna be one hell of a hurricane party
  14. That's it I thought it had Will Ferrell in it. Excellent reference! Gator's bitches better be using jimmies!
  15. What movie is that from I've been racking my brain trying to figure it out.
  16. Ditto I'm in the sleeper now and the old lady is driving. So I'm kinda working
  17. And we are screwing around on here! LOL!
  18. ^^^^^ What he said and where the hell is my tin foil
  19. Indiana is sneaky they run about anything even an ex highway dot pickup. They use the two pickups in construction zones and they are very effective. Indiana also rubs regular license plates on some unmarked cars. I believe some of the vehicles are impounds from drug busts etc. I even saw a geo metro unmarked several years ago. Kansas state police have several Corvettes
  20. crb

    Ruger SR9

    I can't shoot glocks the grip angle is all wrong for me. I love my Springfield xdm though it has a more natural grip angle in my opinion. I carry an EMP though. I almost bought a Sr9c once I liked the way it felt in my hand, but now I have switched to 40 and 45.
  21. No I won't give you a mustache ride I'm straight and married. I also do not hate America! I love this country with my heart and soul! Thanks for your service to this great country. I joined the patriot guard after hearing about it on NRA news. If you are set on a mustache ride check with Justin (jrmiii) he seems a little flake.
  22. Thanks for clarifying that LOL! I'm terrible with names. I hope those westboro Baptist doushe bags rot in hell for an eternity. I wish that on few people but these nut jobs are scum. I don't even dislike justin that much he is just a blind brain dead Obama bot zombie. There is a special place in hell for those westboro Baptist folks. I salute the patriot guard for defending those innocent families. God bless our troops! This guy is crazy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSuiSIWRn7s&feature=youtube_gdata_player And Justin calls me a racist! I'm not sure he knows the definition of racist!
  23. I must be missing the punch line. Who is Fred phelps first and I would never give a dude a mustache ride. I need to get out more apparently I don't get today's humor
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