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Everything posted by crb

  1. Thanks for the link I just need to do it. I'm stock piling ammo and medical supplies. I buy a little of each every week. I ought to pick up a couple cases of bleach it has many many uses. I'm also buying firearm cleaning and lube supplies regularly.
  2. That reminds me I keep meaning to order heritage seeds.
  3. Sometimes its easy to lie to my father he can be difficult and NEVER let's up even when he is 110% wrong. The man tries to control my life yet isn't in control of his life. I love the man but i can't open up to him and tell him somethings. If you don't like lying I have another option I use with my old man. If your father asks you if you a round in the chamber just say I know your rule. Or. Ask him now what is your rule. We he tells you say okay then. Now you haven't lied.
  4. My guns have killed less people than Ted Kennedy's car! :)
  5. [QrUOTE=quwip10;683119]I agree, but my father will not let me carry one in the chamber while at his house. So when I visit I have to remove it from the chamber. Lie to him! Does he check to see if you have a round in the chamber? How I carry depends on firearm, but I always have a round in the chamber. My primary carry Springfield EMP cocked and locked safety on I carry my Springfield RO 1911 the same as EMP FNP-45 safety off hammer down so its in DA mode Wife's Sig 2340 no safety uhammer down in DA mode LCP no safety one in the chamber XDM no manual safety, but it has a grip safety Now on the Sig and FNP if I suspect a real threat I can easily pull hammer back so its in SA mode. If the threat does not fully develop or leaves I restore to DA mode in bathroom or other discreet place
  6. They usually don't give you much on trade in. I personally would put it on eBay or something.
  7. I'm 5'10 280lbs and ride a 1200 roadster. My wife has an 883 low. I don't care for the mid controls on her low and its sits a little low for me. She doesn't like my bike because its not fuel injected. You can find pre 07 bikes cheaper and once you get going the they run the same pretty much. I find the choke a non issue. I originally wanted fuel injected but so did everybody else so I saved my money because I knew I would want to upgrade in a year or so.
  8. I think she got some junk in the trunk! I'm pretty sure that bike would collapse if she put all her junk on it!
  9. Banks will also process credit cards for you although there will be a fee and the credit card holder will have the amount taken off their available cash credit line.
  10. I use Google maps frequently in the truck and I don't think the pics are that terrible honestly.
  11. Papal sometimes will put a hold on large transfers it happened to me once.
  12. My 1200 has plenty of power for the type of riding I do. I like my exhaust its true people to look. As for handling I can't comment I've never ridden anything else and have little experience. My 1200 and the wife's 883 seem to corner fine for the way we ride of course we don't ride at ridiculous speeds either. I gurantee you will never see me doing a wheeling on purpose especially on the road.
  13. I want a bigger bike already my sportster is okay and all. I think next year I might upgrade my bike not sure what I want yet. I'm looking at the gold wings and street glide or other Harley.
  14. So now I'm not allowed to agree with somebody else? Where can I find that in the rules?
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What he said!
  16. ^^^ What he said. I would have a huge problem with the teacher that says they will handle, but doesn't know which kid to handle. May I suggest getting a lock for your sons backpack? I know you shouldn't have to lock an 8yr olds backpack. Too many parents living off the system in my opinion. I see a lot of parents letting their kids run loose anymore the parents just don't take control.
  17. 1. My name is Charles close friends and family call me Chas or Chaz. Every male on my father's side is named Charles. 2. I am a 3rd generation truck driver although it wasn't my first career choice. As a kid I wanted to be a truck driver and a cop maybe in a few years I will try being a cop. , 3. I have a college degree in computer networking and business administration. The last semester of school I decided it isn't what I wanted to do and the job market went to hell. 4. I learned about 2 years ago that I have ADD which explains the problems I had in school. I was intelligent but teachers had a hard time keeping me challenged. I think the schools reteach too much. 5. I am a strong supporter of the Consitition especially the 1st and 2nd amendments! 6. I HATE large crowds or groups specifically with stupid rude people pushing and shoving. I am working on this flaw . 7. I have a low tolerence for stupid people. 8. I am a very open honest person. Some including my wife and family might say brutally honest, but I was raised that honesty is the best policiy. 9. I am one of the most loyal dependable people I know. 10. I don't belive being from Wasilla Alaska disqualifies you as President! So being from a certain town eliminates you as a presidential candidate. You know I remember reading that 35 years old, natural born, and not from wasilla AK. FYI I'm not a pain for president fan! I have been trying to edit this to add info about me for an hour but my net-book and cell phone are having issues!
  18. Many "safes" can be gotten into with a sledge in a matter of minutes especially if safe isn't bolted down. Just do a YouTube search you may be surprised. I know I was surprised how easy it is to get into most gun safes.
  19. Today nothing cause I'm on the road, but last Saturday I bought a new to me colt match grade AR15.
  20. Glad you are okay! Just to clarify a box truck is not a semi. Many box trucks do not require a cdl to drive if they do not have air brakes or over 33,000 lbs GVW. Box trucks constantly cit me off and i drive a 18 or 22 wheel semi. Ditto on the apology we are instructed to not even talk to other parties in an accident except to check for injuries and obtain necessary information.
  21. Thanks for the tip I actually don't mind the rear sight but I would like a narrower front sight or I guess a wider rear would work too. I actually like the sights on the range officer better than my night sights on my emp.
  22. I see men and women involved in solo sexual acts, the woman usually involve toys. Something about driving must make people all excited. Oh I forgot twice this year I have seen a driver texting with both hands while the passenger steered. Guys seemed to need to shave going down the road and lady's put their face on. I think cell phones have fried peoples common sense and are the cause of a lot of accidents on the road.
  23. It's amazing what I see driving the big truck from DWI, texting, playing on laptop, smoking a water bong (both passenger and driver), dvd players, beating children, beating spouse, solo sexual acts, girl giving a lewinsky, wife saw a dude in the backseat giving a lewinsky to the front passenger dude, no clothes, reading books and papers, and more. The last thing on most peoples minds while driving is the actual driving.
  24. I love my XDM 40 I had an XDM 9 but went to 40. I previously had a 4" XD that shot well. Really I don't notice much difference between the regular and the "M" It shoots slightly smaller groups, bigger capacity, and I like the serrations on the back of the slide better.
  25. You beat me to it uncle punk:) What good is your firearm if its not loaded are you gonna throw it at the BG?
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