I was simply sharing what worked for me, I'm no health expert or physical trainer by any means.....and a high fiber diet was obviously also low calorie ( green vegs n fruits ) with limited meat/proteins. I'd take in very little carbs/sugars, was biking a hard ( offroad ) 1-2 hrs, 5 days a week, and at least a few days each week also included heavy calisthenics. I had no gym at home, no memberships to any fitness centers, not even any free weights....basically me, the bike, and a set of ProTapers mounted to a ceiling truss in the garage for chinups . Every Sunday I'd take a day of rest, basically a beer day with moderate treats here and there. Duing week 1 it was all stretches and purge my system with fluids galore. V8, fruit juices, water, tea, etc. along with all the green vegs I could stomach. First month I lost almost 40 pounds, but I guesstimate half of that as water weight. I'm looking forward to cutting down again!