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Posts posted by snot

  1. :( Sorry about that. I was in your group for the first half of the ride. I should be more diligent about introducing myself...

    I was impressed with the way you handled that little Ninja. Most excellent riding. I was near the back of your group, because I didn't really know where to jump in. I ride with Tpoppa, Roamr and jschaff a bunch and wanted to ride with some new-to-me folks. Unfortunately, I was concerned about a couple riders in your group and didn't want to pass them or crowd them...

    Edit: I do believe I shook your hand before I rolled out of Logan, though. If I didn't, I'll take my shame and wear it like a man. I did thank your bigger half for the fun ride. You guys did great.

    I did meet you, right before we left the shopping center (sorry, hellmutt helped me remember).

    Thanks for the kind words, this is my 4th season and my 2nd on this bike. I have a lot to learn... I really need a track bike and do a bunch more tracks days :D. I completely understand your concern that is why I was behind hellmutt and very grateful Shadyone volunteered to sweep.

  2. With no festivities, or dinner invites, and most leaving end point before slower groups arrive, see no reason not to bail out at Somerset.


    this year there were several times the med-fast, medium and slow meet up. once at the gas stop and then at the end. Some of us did go out to eat afterwards. Also we did a pic at the end but most of med-fast had already headed back. see you should of went you could of went out to dinner with us. Ohioriders can be unpredictable from time to time :)

  3. Not entirely accurate, but functionally correct.  My guess is that 99% off officers would issue you a ticket if they saw that top speed on your GPS display.  You would usually win if you fought it though.  They can prove some things, but not where the speeding violation occurred.  That's a venue problem.  The exception to that general 'rule' would be if there's a time-stamp associated with the recorded top speed.  That would/could prove that you had to be in a given jurisdiction when the illegal speed was recorded.  Then you're screwed.

    I thought IP did that at the track :)

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