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Posts posted by snot

  1. Sometimes I take my helmet off while having sex, sometimes I leave it on. It depends on the situation...

    I take mine off but, sometimes I put down the spatula most of the time I don't, just depends on the situation.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 223 miles of twisties. Thanks BamBam for introducing me to Warwoman. I love that road. Georgia was nice as always. I swear they have the best sweet tea in Georgia. And another shout out for Wheeler's. They're going to replace MJ's sprocket for $30. Can't beat that with a stick.

    What happened to her sprocket?

  3. Hold that thought, that is Monday's poll. I am a righty too. Get the leg up then it can go lower as you slide it across rather than having to go higher if you mount from the left. Also lets you hold the brake as you get on,

    When your as short as me its the left, I can't touch if I go from the right. Look at the epic pics at the gas station.


  4. she just needs to get a motorcycle and ride, then maybe her perspective on life would be much better. I wasn't unhappy before I got my bike, but riding has definitely made my life more enjoyable in some regard.

    Riding filled a huge whole in my life. I was happy but felt I was missing something, started riding and feel in love with it. i justvhste winter. As a bonus Hellmutt is happier too.

    I love it, and make better sammiches because I ride.

    • Upvote 1
  5. No. She's just a miserable person that may have had some serious shit happen to her earlier in life. I feel bad for her, honestly. That's no way to live. :(

    More than likely true, but you can't live your life in the past. You should learn from it and move forward, and enjoy every second. Living life pissed off doesn't get you anywhere. I do pity her, but hope she finds a good therapist.

  6. Its crap, how can you live a happy life pissed off all the time. Wanting to please your mate is a natural human emotion and that includes celebrating bj and steak day!

    These women are trying to brain wash other women, not men brain washing us.

    Now I know why the women's forum is gone, its to keep them out.

  7. My favorite....a guy I worked with received $500 for costing the company +$100,000. He didn't do his job in inventory control, so the wrong material was used on 15 parts causing 15 jet engines to be serviced, one was on a plane ready to fly. Had he done what I instructed the issue would of been caught prior to shipping. Worst part was it took a month to locate the engines the parts were on.

  8. So what is it called when her girl friend is finger banging her? FIV?

    And if any of this was true dildos would not have such high sales.

    It is obvious she does not know her role, she is to shut up, stay in the kitchen and make sammiches.

    I come out of the kitchen only when permitted and I do not blog without written permission.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Yes, a single word can be trademarked so that would make it intellectual property by definition.. For example, Snot has trademarked the word 'sammich'.

    Just saw this, it use to be gen3's but she left us for Facebook.

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