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Everything posted by snot

  1. It is transportation and maintenance.
  2. snot

    I have MS

    Sorry to hear. A friend of mine said the swank diet saved him and has helped him manage his MS. He was at the point of needing a wheelchair when he started the diet. He was also in his 50s when it all started and is still working in machining. http://www.swankmsdiet.org/the-diet
  3. Just wash your hand before and after.... And close the blinds...
  4. Working from home is driving me nuts... My house is 866 sqft. Working out at home sucks! Little equipment no real weights (like I have anywhere to put them)... I like cardio workouts and strength.... Crossfit. My agreement for work is 8-4, answer email and calls within 30 min. Be able to get to the site within 1 hour if called (I live 40 minutes away). And report what I did all day. So, I am stuck in a cereal box hooked to the VPN so they can see me... And making sure I don't time out from 8-4. I did 10 pushups every hour today.
  5. This makes zero sense.... Only essential can work, rest go home and shelter.... But, we need more people to work at all the essential places that are hiring. So, I can't do my trade because I might contract Covid-19. But I can work at an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people doing a job I know little about. Why am I home? So don't work here... Work here. Stay inside but go outside for excersizing.
  6. Nope.. No bars... And soon no liquor if the media keeps pushing the issue.
  7. Some in NY also does not vaccinate themselves or their kids.... Not that it would help. Who is paying for unemployment for all the self employed? I.e. strippers, tattoo artist, hookers....
  8. Who is using all the PPE? Hospitals are not over flowing across the nation. With all the elective shit not being done and regular dental, eye exams not being done, we should have plenty. And using haz suits without decontamination could spread it. Haz suits only protect who is inside. You are not supposed to wear them into clean areas. Test? Does it even matter at this point? We are still under 1% of the population, people who are sick need test for correct treatment, not the whole world. I think Trump is doing a good job, I think the media made everyone panic and fucked up the plan. My .02 This is why I need to work.... To stop making fucked up comments about shit I can't control.
  9. Because you are putting it in the wrong place....
  10. You can thank the government... I get to work from home.... I would rather work at the office. This means I will post more dumb questions...
  11. I made a pancake sammich.
  12. So comparing transmission to the flu is not accurate. Wonder what the lasting effects will be on the people who have\had it? This sucks I miss my gym. I don't have the equipment or room to do all my workouts. I miss my family too... My dad is scared and since I just got back from traveling I can't see him for another week.
  13. I hope I get to work next week... This is driving me nuts. And I know I am driving all of you nuts with my broken record comments...
  14. The numbers don't add up with what we are being told. No symptoms no reason to get test, not contagious. So why isolation? If I don't have it and I can't give it and I don't lick the door knobs why do I need to stay home? Either it spreads easy, like airborne (but not too easy with less than 1% of population), or if you are well you are contagious and we all have it already and are waiting. How are we out of supplies if only 33k in the US have confirmed cases? Are the hospitals busy with more cases of other illness? Or is this all for stand by?
  15. Not allowed out if it is not essential... Or an emergency for Doctors... "Professional help". I am on spring break I don't need grammar or punctuation for another week.... 👨‍🏫
  16. He can't seek treatment, he has to call.... Not a good reason to leave home. Hearing voices is not a good reason. My hubby hears voices all the time, it is usually me and he chooses not to listen. Bubba could ignore the voices unless they are saying "make Ed a sammich and take it to him"...
  17. Yep.. Hell hole... We have seen more deaths not related to illness lately. 3 deaths in less than a day from car accidents. My favorite... CVS robbed by 2 people wearing medical mask... Dayton passed a law a week or so ago making it illegal to wear mask to commit a crime or intimidate another person.
  18. Meanwhile.... Shootings are up in Springfield....
  19. It was built for the after workout meal.
  20. @SpecialEd and @Tonik This is my creation... Chocolate chip protein pancakes with egg, Colby Jack and sausage.
  21. Confused... How can they close roads? Are the roads sick? Do they spread diseases?
  22. The weight is not as much of an issue as the seat height. But, I have been eye balling both bikes.
  23. Dam it! Fire and vodka... We should've brought the ingredients and made them at your house for you and the wife.. @Tonik... I can only dead lift 300lbs... Well, before the gym closed. So, I can hold my own... Your money would be safe betting on me, unlike the stock market.
  24. So we are all at zero... And I make a pancake sammich in the morning... For Helmutt
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