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Posts posted by snot

  1. Yep, sure can. I've got a spreadsheet going right now of products that need to be added and requests received so give me a couple days on that one.

    Sweet! I created an account and ordered my ORdN. Thanks! I want to add the. 250r to mike bikes tail to help her stand out.

  2. That sort of gives me hope but I gotta find a hot momma first and start getting busy. :D

    Finding one in her mid to late thirties (maybe early forties, Cougars are h-o-t), preferably never married, no kids, AND no psycho tendencies is proving to be a challenge. :wtf:

    We know all of you women folk are crazy but I haven't lost all hope. :cool:

    Don't get your hopes up. Never married no kids and not crazy in her 30+ is a 1 in 100000000 chance..or she is not very pretty.;)

  3. You sick sadistic bitch!............. Can we be friends :)


    I had to make sure it was done right the first time! My cousin had it done twice because they cut the wrong tube the first time. There are 2 that look alike (both are white).

    Wish I would of had video.

    Btw insuranced covered all but deductable. Dr miller in englewood did his.

  4. My .02.. I watched hellmutt get his it was great!

    We talked about about it and this was a hard choice for me. I have no kids of my own only a step daughter. I was told I had to make a choice since I could no long take BC due to....long story. He we are years later and I am still fine with it. So talk with her first like MT said.

    As far as the "time frame" after...we waited 30 days had it checked and was given the green.

    Good luck

  5. Not sure on the gear I am short and all the jackets are long on me. Have you yried Iron Pony? Also there are a few people you can buy from on here. Check the sponsor section.

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