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Posts posted by snot

  1. Colors? What planet are you on...? Lol

    It was a short way of saying...not showing which site you are representing. Not sure about AFJ but OR has stickers to promote the site.

    As far as what planet I am on....not sure but everything goes my way and everyone know exactly what I am thinking....:D

  2. This wasn't about AFJ it wasn't about other riders it was about 1 person wanting to sell stuff and was told he could not be a sponser due to trust issues. The solution was be cool and when some one ask for a product and where to buy to step up then and offer to sell them a product by PM. Instead we have all this....time would of passed and ben may have allowed him to advertise, but now it will be never. You could still do the PM gixxie but I doubt you will have a positive turn out.

  3. if everyone showed for the ride with out colors we would all get along not knowing who was who. We all love to ride and a group that big could do so much good for the motorcycle scene...to bad a few people crossed the line and caused all this.

  4. [quote=GrapeApeGuy;8175

    CBR WHORE.... no we wont go away

    I have a huge issue with this. You come on a public forum and bash women you don't even know, what kind of man does this? It doesn't matter who she is or is not married to. I have meet her and she is a true lady.

    • Upvote 2
  5. This thread is why I will never buy parts from gixxie. If you can't control your self in a public forum how can you any other time. Are you one of those who throw tools because something isn't going right? Learn to keep your cool for more than a few months try a few years and see if things change.

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