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Posts posted by snot

  1. And he is unlucky he didn't kill them. They will probably sue his balls off.

    Can't he counter for breaking in and trespassing? How does he know they were not intening to harm him? And if they try to sue isn't that admitting they were on/in his property with out permission? What about the damage they caused by breaking in and the emotional damage?

    I don't know all the laws but does any of this mean anything in ohio? Or is the home owner screwed if the thief lives? Or should he Shoot to kill no witnesses...

  2. We wasted a lot of money on ours. We tried a drain inside but it didn't work. The reason is water will come through the wall instead of draining straight down. It has to be done from outside. Your landscaping is worthless if your basement is wet and the house is full of mold. Check out the home shows this winter. You can diy it just takes time and a strong back.

  3. Thats what I said vvvv ;)

    Sorry...I was reading while riding in the car and missed that part (dumb girl moment).

    Everdry runs around 15,000. But its done in 3 days and they do put the drainage system in the basement too. We tried a lot of other crap that didn't work.

  4. It wouldn't go to me, although I do appreciate the gesture. If we win it, it'll be just like anything else from them; we'll give away on here randomly raffle style, free raffle type thing.

    The gift wouldn't be the gun. The gift would be the show of support and how you have brought so many wonderful, kind, good hearted people together. You started a site and family grew...

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