... In holland if you can reach the bar you can drink, the drinking age was 16 but i am not exactly small so i could pass, also there is no ID cards until you are 18 and take your drivers license test. Unless you have your school id but noone carries them really. Also, My grandparents own their own pub just outside the horam in england. And im almost 20. Sorry almost 8 years lol, and just because its a german type of beer doesnt mean it is made there and shipped. Its made over here, just like guiness, if you go have a guiness in ireland you wouldnt even know that it was guiness unless they told you because it is so much better than the guiness over here. So many things go into making bear and environmental effects matter, so beer in germany will never be exactly the same as beer made here. Now for your next line of bullshit that i have to throw out?