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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. Text me my number is on the shoutbox lol
  2. Not sure if you have any nice roads by you we could ride out and meet you half way. You gonna come to the bike night at gahana?
  3. ... notice how the guy that died came back lolllll
  4. Were gonna go on a ride before the gahanna meet. Me erick and tommy and witt. Wanna join up, i still havent decided where we are gonna go lol.
  5. If we ever get big well affiliate. Doubt it, just want 5-6 close good riders lol.
  6. RIP rider. My best wishes to family and friends.
  7. Where i am heading after the meet htey have sick margaritas.
  8. I may buy these of you trade you my current gauntlets + some moola
  9. Does your signature work in bed too? #1. Lube #2. Tape up her titties and her rolls. #3. Extension of #2, her mouth.
  10. I was kinda hoping for that sorta response lol
  11. YEPPP i was up at 5 this morning ridin
  12. Im only messin . Nah the bar is called sloppy donkey.
  13. I remember when i first started putting people down.
  14. Will be downtown riding a sloppy donkey.
  15. Lol my dad is the president of the ICOA. meaning i know everyone in the club. hes in club.
  16. we dont have one and we race every time...
  17. FINE!. Lol shit how you gonna be a in a columbus gun running gang and live in clevelend. SHEEEETTT
  18. what you doing tonight nerd. You gonna come out with us if we go out.
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