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Posts posted by Ryan218

  1. Thats a good question... why spend all the time to just sand it down to bare metal again. Seems like a waste of product to me. Dont you think?



    you must do body work day to day as your job? if it ain't your way its the wrong way huh? im going to do MY car how i want it...yes it may seem like a waste of time to you but this is how im doing it....im not painting the car here in our garage...it will be painted back in piqua where my dads friend has a bigger garage for this.. so with that being said there..that is why were doing this up here...were just trying to get rid of the surface rust to see what were dealing with..then some primer over it to protect it from the elements....


    im only able to work on this 1 day every weekend...so its not like i can just go at it and get it all done in a day now can I?


    this is EXACTLY how we did the 86...got rid of the surface rust up here primed it for the time being, drove it back to piqua..then stripped it all the way down and went to work...it cam out fine..yes its not perfect but for a weekend cruiser its fine..a little run on the fender..hard to tell its there unless you get close enough....


    in the end it will come out looking fine...all im worried about it getting a little bit done here and there..i got PLENTLY of time...

  2. Damn that's quite a turn around on that convertible, good luck with the current project, it seems like you are on the right track.



    yeah thanks...we like it...just a toy for the summer weekends..lucky to see 1k miles a year...if that..lol....


    both the colors are off a 2005 wrx sti...the blue and silver..

  3. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/ryan218/1986%20Ford%20Mustang%20Project%20GT/IM001280.jpg








    2 years later






  4. this aint the first car we have done...this is my second....and my dads and them idk they have been doing it since they were my age (my dads 43 now)...


    here is the 86 GT that we bought from Mark on here in 04 that we re did....











  5. well you shouldnt primer over 80 grit you may not see scratches now but they may show through your paint even with a few coats of primer. You should have gone back over your 80 with 320. Then primed it.


    Im sure "you know what your doing"


    when your done there you can come help me with this...





    looks like fun..

  6. like is said before....this is ONLY TEMPERARY...IT WILL ALL BE TOOKEN TO BARE METAL AGAIN this is just to keep it protected from the elements as the stang sits out side in my driveway... why spend all that time sanding it smooth if im just going to sand it all back off in a month? no point in it...
  7. When you sanded the panel down, what grit did you prep with before the filler.


    40..had some rust around the hole...then sanded filler with 80...then primed it for the time being...it will be sanded smooth in a few weeks when i put it on the stang.....


    dont worry..i know what im doing ;) i may be young but im not dumb.






    didnt do the back lower portion of the fender because i was just trying to rid of the surface rust on the front fender for this weekend...rest will get done in 2 weeks...(going to the lake sunday and then next weekend im going to a game)....didnt get as much done as i wanted to but o well.

  8. started on the body work today....waiting for bondo to dry then going out and sanding that...then putting it into primer so that it dont rust..here are a few pics...will update a little every weekend...










    still a LONG way to go.

  9. um im trying to spend less then a 100 but i know that wont happen so im thinking 200-300. i can get one for 300 in bucyrus but i dont want to drive that far unless i need to.


    i think he was wanting 300 for his and it is in hilliard...ill get back to ya,..but this is 4 lug so you would have to swap your 5 lug axles and such over to put in your car.

  10. this is what i'm referring to. its not a big deal at all, so don't think i'm criticizing you.

    here's the gauge pod out of an '89 car, notice it doesn't have the large hump in the middle, which is for clearance of the airbag on the '90-93's. like i said, it doesn't mean a thing, as i'm sure it fits/looks fine






    here's one from a car equipped with an airbag.





    like i said..that piece was filled down so that it fits flush with the gauge faces....i like the look of the 90-93 cluster i i used MY 88 case...i took the 85mph speedo OUT of it...same thing to the 93 cluster...TRIMMED the 140mph speedo to fit the 88 CLUSTER CASE then filled down the 93 FACE COVER to fir the 88 case.

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