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jdonn last won the day on June 23 2013

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About jdonn

  • Birthday 04/25/1983

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2015 Yamaha FJ-09

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  1. Well, I have a baby shower to go to at 2:30 sunday for my neighbor. Might be able to do something little though..... Have to play it by ear. Excuses... Psh...
  2. Yo Mike - Kieth works /w me... You should take him under your wing... Get it... Wing.. As in gold wing
  3. Welcome - Lots of folks ride around Columbus throughout the year. Also, get back to work....
  4. Quick question - My new bike has an aero seat tube... what bags would y’all recommend?! Thanks in advance.
  5. You got rollers! What else you need?!?! LOL
  6. What’s everyone’s paincave like and what indoor equipment do you use? If none, what cold weather do you use? I personally have a Wahoo KICKR and use a GEN3 Apple TV with Zwift. I try to get at least 70mi a week... some days are easier than others. The suffering is real!
  7. Nice to see y’all. It’s been too long. Here’s to a (sooner?) get together. Great times and as always, Casper, Idk how your wife does it. <3
  8. jdonn


    Who wants to go for a ride tomorrow!? Leaving out from Pataskala and going towards SEO... total mileage will be around 125 mi. If you have a good route, please advise.. otherwise, we will ride de through hocking. Text me if you need directions. (419-902-9166). See you tomorrow!!!!
  9. Picked up a 16 Felt F4X... Only put about 15 total miles with 3 being in the dirt but I'm really loving this bike.
  10. Gotta agree with the "no ride" advise... I went to Manhattan a couple months ago and rented a car. Parked it at the hotel (valet) and turned it back in the next day. People drive (and walk) like they're insane in that area... PLUS - All the damn construction.
  11. I waited till it was 195... just happened to take 18 hrs. Normally, I've seen butts aroun 7lbs... this one over 9. Maybe that had something to do with it. I didn't wrap it in foil till it was 175... normally I would have done it at 160.
  12. That looks amazing... nice job! I smoked a Boston Butt this past weekend. 9.5 lbs @235 for almost 18 hours. It was amazing.
  13. Turned out great... It's a fatty piece of meat though.
  14. Smoked a pork Belly yesterday. 10 hrs at 235... turned out amazing!!!
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