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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. it's stormin' now and the radar is lit up over and west of the route.... rain delay maybe?....... or maybe just a rain check here I guess
  2. I didn't mean to sound like I was bragging:eek:. not til I win a medal or trophy or something anyways:D . I'm just now getting used to riding a lil harder on my machine. definately still learning. my bike is too expensive to have to fix. so you better believe I try to be safe:tools:. gonna get my rest and see you all tommorow!
  3. I hope all will be all right. Im no metoroligist, but the patches on the radar look weak or not heading our way.
  4. .... well if you're behind me just don't submit the video to the fbi, cia, or atf... deal?
  5. I'm 70% in. and I wouldn't mind ridin' sweep for a while, especially since it's my first time riding with most of you. THIS JUST IN (as I was typing).... my boy dennis says he's 90% in... so now I'm 95% in. so me and denzaa should be in. could we get an eta on when we should be BACK in wooster for the day?
  6. people are meeting here at 830am-845am 825 Dover Road, Wooster, OH stop-n-go gas station. right? we should meet up with some of the southeasters and centralers somewhere at some point too.
  7. I'm comin' from akron. who's down to ride? get at me.
  8. denzaa in the HHHOOOUUUSSSEEEEEE!!!!!!!

  9. ... can we get a tally or an estimate on who's ridin' this one? I'll throw my hat in and say Im 50/50....
  10. I probably will be.... hhhmmm.... I kinda wanna scout some routes.... theres a big ride forming for saturday. I feel like I need to practice a lil more on some of these twisties. the elevation changes where I couldn't see into and past the turns made me nervous... I felt I hung decent on saturday, but I just dont wanna hold people up. but we'll see whats up for friday
  11. I have no idea what you guys are talkin bout... what the heck does bukakkee mean? what kinda pace we lookin at here? I hung with some of the big boys here... so what can I expect here? I think the weather will be fine........
  12. deal and deal..... let's shoot for a sunday maybe?......
  13. .... I man's (magley) dream... is another man's (doc) nightmare....
  14. I have to work tuesday night but me and a guy are gonna be ridin' around outter summit county, maybe some medina county if anybody is in the area to ride with? lemme know!
  15. I'm bout to head out for a short ride just around here.... if you wanna catch up. throw a text.....
  16. good ride. fun day. everybody hope safe I hope.
  17. fine... I'll be at that sheetz on 224 in canfield by 3:30pm hopefully. .... again.... for whoever else... if you want in on this trip.... meet me at the circle k on grahmn and bath rd. in cuyahoga falls at 2pm ON THE DOT. I will be rolling out by 2:10pm. questions? text me before 2pm. 330-608-5911
  18. As a reminder I will be east of the circle K on graham and bath rd. at 2 o'clock SHARP!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want to ride to Lisbon. So whoever wants to meet at 2pm very sharp needs to meet me there THEN.
  19. I'm leavin' akron and will be scoutin south of lisbon sometime tommorow. waitin to see the window of opportunity if it might rain tomorrow. lemme know....
  20. ... that I'm available to ride all day most fridays and sundays, and free after 2pm on saturdays......
  21. ....I dunno bout a portable dyno, but they've always treated me well....
  22. we'll keep a safe pace... I think there might be a rookie or two (not newbs) rollin with us... so nothin crazy. try manuel's on tallmadge avenume in akron for tires if you need 'em. try either tommorow or saturday. they can probably get you right in if you tell them GHALIB "Caleb" ALI sent you. they'll take care of you.
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