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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. let me see this route.... maybe we can get a comprimise of a good ride and just a quick stop at the meet (I want my sticker!)
  2. damn iPod touchscreen speller thing...... I meant "towards"
  3. Hey doc! Just lemme know what u wanna do. The meet? Or the ride? I guess I'm 50/50. honestly my goal is to ride with as many as possible on Sunday. don't care where or how. besides , I got a ride in the works for the following weekend. so I'm leaning toasted getting my OR sticker.
  4. true..... besides.... trust me... one lil thing... and the sherriff comes to take your ccw and tools away
  5. saw that coming.... but I do agree. I love my shoulder holster under my jacket.....
  6. I might hang out for a bit but might head south and then back up north before too long. I guess they'll be a lotta pork there. I dont eat pork anyways hahaha. but 71 to columbus feels like such a haul.... so maybe I'll take a scenic ride down. I won't be in any hurry either way, might have to plan a route tonight. I'm with inya on this one.... kind wanna go for a RIDE..... but I'll stop by. maybe get an OR decal if I can .
  7. 212 looks ok. I been to zoar for a history project before lol
  8. the meet spot in akron will depend on wether we want to just get down there or take a scenic route..... input on which please.... and I'm for sure going either way doc......
  9. why you gotta highjack my thread doc?
  10. how far down is it closed and for how long?
  11. I've done 9 and 164. I've got family in youngstown so I know where you're coming from. we'll see whats up
  12. most sensible route would be I-71 at I-76. but I dunno where u guys would wanna meet for a more scenic ride.....
  13. depending on timing and hunger we may eat here. RiverFront Restaurant 150 1st Street Powhatan Point, OH 43942-1122 Get directions (740) 795-5080 ‎
  14. let me know what works for you. I wanna try that riverfront restaurant.
  15. wanted to do this this sunday but don't wanna interfere with the meet and greet. what day works best for you guys? this is a long one...... but I think we could make it. I just tried to plan a route input please I'm coming from akron. this route includes: oh-800 oh-416 oh-7 oh-536 oh-78 oh-148 oh-9 oh-164 this would be a full day of riding with a lunch stop planned..... was I a lil over-eager in planning a ride this long? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&sour...4.77356&num=10
  16. what day/date would work for you? since STD is your spot lol
  17. so I've read... thats why I planned it that way. and I'm taking into consideration the fact I'm coming from the northeast.... so total ride time is gonna be longer? how are the road conditions on this route?
  18. which twistie way can I take back up that maybe shorter? this main route would be THE route though.... who would be down for this maybe.... saturday 7 / 30?
  19. this is a long one...... but I think we could make it. I just tried to plan a route input please I'm coming from akron. this route includes: oh-800 oh-416 oh-7 oh-536 oh-78 oh-148 oh-9 oh-164 this would be a full day of riding with a lunch stop planned..... was I a lil over-eager in planning a ride this long? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=2612+Cleveland+Avenue+Northwest,+Canton,+OH&daddr=2098+N+Broadway+St,+Dover,+OH+44622+to:OH-416+S/OH-800+S/S+Broadway+St+to:fly,+oh+to:OH-7+N+to:OH-536+N+to:Cameron,+OH+to:Powhatan+Point,+OH+to:Armstrongs+Mills,+OH+to:St.+Clairsville,+OH+to:Kilgore,+OH+to:Steel+Trolley+Diner,+East+Lincoln+Way,+Lisbon,+OH&geocode=FaX7bgIdTicm-ylnDfaO99A2iDGyGl8MaOejyg%3BFZNxagIdOnAl-ymzE8W8iOM2iDEm19gmy7NKPQ%3BFWStaQIdxjIl-w%3BFf21WwIdx-gr-yl9ZOBQ0OZJiDEdyIQCCIdGzw%3BFaZFXQId3Aku-w%3BFWToXQIdE8As-w%3BFevLXgIdTOEs-ylNcmE5CgU2iDHuGeY-YaaqAg%3BFWs3YAId-Nou-ylbtl0dAOI1iDFBRV-Gz1ggJA%3BFSDzYAIdXggt-ymX7M3UVgw2iDFhygxRHQXsKg%3BFT2LYwIdR5Qt-ykP37l8wXA2iDGYNXjeNMRVLQ%3BFWdvaQId4AIs-ykjyRHNE5A2iDG9jTF8ndDjHQ%3BFRAibgId9Jcv-yH05n6RmRy1xClh8lA34AI0iDEczvNJTPzVqw&abauth=df44fee5:riJEl6gCWAIAcPJziKkGSpMY4CA&hl=en&mra=pr&via=5&vps=25&ei=xsErTpb_FYPANcWbzeIK&jsv=357c&sll=40.495285,-81.707895&sspn=2.005036,4.77356&num=10
  20. cool. I'm workin on another route or two. I'll check the weather and maybe shoot for saturday or sunday. what works for you guys?
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