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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. first of all...... siacono is a beast! cars, bikes, and comps.... this dude does it all.... looks like I'm in unless something crazy happens......
  2. ..... I'll just say.... maybe on sunday........
  3. ..... I'll chirp in.... I'm in if I can fix a lil bug and fasten my lower fairing..... workin on it tonight...... u gonna have the cam doc?
  4. we'll meet up for an akron ride before too long.
  5. looks like this maybe a last minute decision..... but if I can figure out why my bike cut out on me twice yesterday and hasnt since.... and how to mount this custom fairing on.... we'll see if we ride.... check the ride reports and see the route I posted. let me know what you think. don't go ridin' it without me tho hahaha
  6. I got you. we'll get you and the doc out soon enough. I got a good ride planned for us ytown boys (I'm in akron now but was born and have fam in the yo.
  7. .... putting my hat in if I can figure out the ghost in my bike and get off from work.....
  8. just put a new tire on.... but she's got a lil ghost in her... as as I figure it out... I'll organize something.....
  9. or I could wear quarterback's sleeve with a window... I have one somewhere... just gotta find the darn thing.........
  10. ..... I got 80 acres we could probably shoot at..... it's been a while since I've pulled a trigger..... gotta check to make sure the renting farmer doesn't have corn or beans 3-6 ft tall growin tho.....
  11. I go to canada all the time..... I've done a wing marathon in buffalo.... best wings I found were at la nova just mho.... probs gonna sit this one out unless someone has got a cruiser I could borrow?.........
  12. I hope you got your rest doc. not a bad vid at all. I want a gopro!!!
  13. awesome vid. cool editing. I wanna be part of a vid! I wanna gopro now lol
  14. Im home too. glad everyone is safe.
  15. meet me at the bp location on grant st. just off of 76. I'll be there at nine.
  16. how's this look? http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=208545262844786568945.0004a955bef4695bbc4af&msa=0&ll=40.643136,-81.930542&spn=1.99233,4.77356
  17. so the rest us of at the dairy queen in bolivar before 10am, right?
  18. if you meet in lodi... what time?
  19. I'm havin' trouble gettin' the maps to work... but goal is to put this http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=bolivar,+oh&daddr=leesville,+oh+to:amsterdam,+oh+to:salineville,+oh+to:kensington,+oh+to:carrollton,+oh+to:bolivar,+oh&hl=en&ll=40.58945,-81.140213&spn=0.37908,0.775223&sll=40.576413,-81.254196&sspn=0.379154,0.775223&geocode=FU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ%3BFZQ-aQIdb80o-ynREPrpYvI2iDH-bQ_vi9-Pkg%3BFUyUaQIdDTct-yldYO5IDZs2iDHR4hvxFFar5A%3BFeLZawIdG4Mu-ynhK-NZP6A2iDE6PmexnplWEA%3BFWmSbQIdwrMs-ym7A0aRGqU2iDEetaVxTfJV8w%3BFagXawIdK7sq-ynX079lK5Q2iDGWk3PMnwNhQA%3BFU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ&mra=ls&z=11 and this http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-212+E&daddr=40.4564881,-81.9644828+to:40.13927,-82.31521+to:N+High+St&hl=en&ll=40.359103,-81.886597&spn=1.082007,2.80426&sll=40.167331,-82.290344&sspn=0.284393,0.694885&geocode=FcowbAIdPhol-w%3BFShRaQIdPlId-ym3qXl0aHE3iDGrNQFb_EWMng%3BFQZ6ZAIdNvgX-ynrXbctDyQ4iDFPmt6YsTnDqQ%3BFfmLYwIdUDwN-w&mra=dpe&mrsp=2&sz=11&via=1,2&z=9 together to end up here..... 5295 N High St Columbus‎ OH‎ 43214 a lil help with the route and post please....
  20. my plan is to make this meet and continue on to cbus once we break.... who's with me? http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=bolivar,+oh&daddr=leesville,+oh+to:amsterdam,+oh+to:salineville,+oh+to:kensington,+oh+to:carrollton,+oh+to:bolivar,+oh&hl=en&ll=40.58945,-81.140213&spn=0.37908,0.775223&sll=40.576413,-81.254196&sspn=0.379154,0.775223&geocode=FU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ%3BFZQ-aQIdb80o-ynREPrpYvI2iDH-bQ_vi9-Pkg%3BFUyUaQIdDTct-yldYO5IDZs2iDHR4hvxFFar5A%3BFeLZawIdG4Mu-ynhK-NZP6A2iDE6PmexnplWEA%3BFWmSbQIdwrMs-ym7A0aRGqU2iDEetaVxTfJV8w%3BFagXawIdK7sq-ynX079lK5Q2iDGWk3PMnwNhQA%3BFU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ&mra=ls&z=11 timing will dictate the rout back.....
  21. please post your meet and route so I can plan a break off point and route. thank you very much
  22. ok.... there's a lot of confusion on the rides for sunday.... since inya's thread is planning to head out early the rest of us should too. by the time they gotta be back up north, we can easily be at least on our way to the meet at that time. who's at least down for this idea before I start wasting my time drawing a route up for it? this would probably put us at the meet at 3pm. or at least I'll make sure we get there by 3. if the majority of riders wanna get there earlier (like 2pm) I can plan for that as well... times crunchin' so lets put something in stone.....
  23. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH...11&via=1,2&z=9 this should be ok. let's meet here at 10am http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4GZAG_enUS428US428&q=grant+st+akron+bp&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&biw=1040&bih=414&wrapid=tlif131199323264810&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl unless I change the route.... which I may.... may wanna ride further south then up to columbus.....
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