After trying to redo this route on google and not being able to, I'm just gonna keep it as is on here but I do have a few small changes in mind.,+Canton,+OH&daddr=2098+N+Broadway+St,+Dover,+OH+44622+to:OH-416+S/OH-800+S/S+Broadway+St+to:fly,+oh+to:OH-7+N+to:OH-536+N+to:Cameron,+OH+to:Powhatan+Point,+OH+to:Armstrongs+Mills,+OH+to:St.+Clairsville,+OH+to:Kilgore,+OH+to:Steel+Trolley+Diner,+East+Lincoln+Way,+Lisbon,+OH&geocode=FaX7bgIdTicm-ylnDfaO99A2iDGyGl8MaOejyg%3BFZNxagIdOnAl-ymzE8W8iOM2iDEm19gmy7NKPQ%3BFWStaQIdxjIl-w%3BFf21WwIdx-gr-yl9ZOBQ0OZJiDEdyIQCCIdGzw%3BFaZFXQId3Aku-w%3BFWToXQIdE8As-w%3BFevLXgIdTOEs-ylNcmE5CgU2iDHuGeY-YaaqAg%3BFWs3YAId-Nou-ylbtl0dAOI1iDFBRV-Gz1ggJA%3BFSDzYAIdXggt-ymX7M3UVgw2iDFhygxRHQXsKg%3BFT2LYwIdR5Qt-ykP37l8wXA2iDGYNXjeNMRVLQ%3BFWdvaQId4AIs-ykjyRHNE5A2iDG9jTF8ndDjHQ%3BFRAibgId9Jcv-yH05n6RmRy1xClh8lA34AI0iDEczvNJTPzVqw&abauth=df44fee5:riJEl6gCWAIAcPJziKkGSpMY4CA&hl=en&mra=pr&via=5&vps=25&ei=xsErTpb_FYPANcWbzeIK&jsv=357c&sll=40.495285,-81.707895&sspn=2.005036,4.77356&num=10 We will meet at the DQ in bolivar at 10am. this should give everyone coming from where ever to get there. I wanna be outta there just a short time after. I'm gonna be there a lil before 10am. my point is I just wanna get movin and not waiting or wasting daylight. there will be a lunchtime stop in powahatan point on the river. depending on timing... maybe a dinner or a snack stop at the doc's place std. now... this route is not perfect and I have never traveled it. I really just wanna explore it and lean into a few corners. I do welcome all that wanna ride it. it is gonna be a long one, but the season is gettin' shorter so I wanna just ride. the pace will be "brisky but not risky". I am a middle of the pack rider, but honestly will probably be just a tad slower due to not knowing this route or some of the road conditions. the speedsters can join, but they better know the route. I rather not lose people on the ride. of course... full gear... and please have your bikes in working order and batteries charged with that all said.... let's see who and how many we can get out with us and have a fun safe ride.......