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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. get your rest doc...... any body else wanna scout it with me tommorow?........
  2. geuss I'm still a newb for now then thanks guys......
  3. but this site seems to have a lot of restrictions..... I would like to post my pics. I would like to just be able to send more than 1 email every hour and a half. I hope I dont get booted or anything. maybe Im missing something? did I not correctly verify my account? hey casper... I've tried to send you my pics... I dunno if they worked or not... if not.... do you have a burner email account I can send them to, cuz I know I can do it that way..... thanks for your help
  4. hhhmmmm with the question of leading arising...... I do want to scout the region out..... it'll take me an hour an half to get to lisbon.... any akron people wanna ride with me out there on friday as long as the weather is good? accuweather called for storms today but the radar was clear and no rain. accuweather as not been to accurate lately I think. hopefully AND saturday will be fine.... if you wanna meet in a lot in lisbon... there's a save-a-lot right by that subway... what time would u wanna meet there on friday?
  5. check out the other akron thread!!!! Lets ride on saturday!!!!!!!!!!
  6. can you meet me at the circle k on the corner of bath rd. and grahmn rd. in cuyahoga falls at 2pm? I work in the building just east of it and I get out right at 2pm never any later. then we can roll to that lisbon subway and hopefully meet people there. hows that sound?
  7. pm your number if you wanna roll on friday or just meet up at that subway on saturday!
  8. I use train a dr. in her fellowship.... you should just rest up for saturday but it'll be cool to meet you. I'll try to get my cousin out too!
  9. looks like I gotta call off another saturday lol. I'll ride down saturday and sunday unless someones got some extra room?..... eh.... don't mind ridin' especially if there are some akron people wantin to ride down....
  10. looks pretty cool. I can be at subway 119 East Lincoln Way Lisbon, OH 44432-1405 at like 3:15 on saturday. might have to try friday just for the fun of it.... really depends on the weather.
  11. I don't get outta work til 2pm on saturday, but saturday looks like the better weather deal for now..... I can't help but notice how clear it is west of the rockies..... bleh... I wish I lived on the west coast..... either way.... I have no problem meetin out towards youngstown.... if it's saturday I wont be able to make it there till 3pm. I'm gonna keep an eye on this weather because I think I rode enough in the rain last saturday. if friday happens to be nice I can roll out there too.
  12. ok.... so the forcast calls for rain for like forever but I wanna get a ride goin' soon. maybe not this weekend but next weekend. actually I think theres a poker run I'm gonna do on sunday. don't really know many of you northeaster here so let's meet in or near akron and head out. don't care when. just wanna ride. anytime friday or sunday. or on saturday after 2pm. lemme know. I'm gonna try to get something together.
  13. I guess southeast ohio is where to ride..... we'll ride down again soon..... with a rule... no highways lol....
  14. I want a beater crusier and a stunter..... better than worrying bout droppin' the italian in the rain
  15. we made it after a 2 hour trip back home (akron). good to meet some of you cental folks. and it was a great ride down with my boy dennis and indiana boy matt hahahaha....... thanks to the rest of our team (3rd place) for bein cool with my boy who was havin' battery issues
  16. check the thread. should be rollin down 71 by 8pm. call me 330-608-5911
  17. looks like it's me and you. gimme a call to confirm. where are you in akron? I say we meet in west akron and roll. call me 330-608-5911
  18. where in akron are you? hit me up 330-608-5911. looks like it might be me and you rollin to co0lumbus if you're still down.... I'm a lil worried bout the weather tho....

  19. .....gotta keep an eye on that weather.... callin' for storms......
  20. my bad. I didnt know what kind of gas station it was. but I meant here http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=15982878833798421618&q=gas&gl=us&sll=40.998703,-81.996308&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&ll=41.003739,-82.008991&spn=0,0&t=h&z=16 hey magley are you taking 271 to 71 south? or stretchin down 77 at all? I'm near ridgewood/miller on 77. or OH21&I76
  21. I dont really care too much about all that.... I just wanna ride! just lookin to tag along!
  22. I'll be on the blk/red aprilia blk/red icon jacket and silver helmet. I'll be at that bp fillin up at 730am. its been a while since Ive ridden that early.... hope its warm.... Im gonna try to get who I can to come. Im tryin to roll deep.
  23. I'm new here and I wanna upload an avatar pic and a profile pic. I keep gettin' "invalid file" a lil help please?
  24. I guess I'm officially in.... I'll request off work today hahahahahaha..... gotta dress warm its gonna be a lil cooler in the morning.....
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