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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. let's do a 11am meet time at the bp gas station here: 4597 Portage Street Northwest, North Canton the route will either be this : http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=102+Nassau+Street+East,+Canton,+OH+44730+(East+Canton+Bell+St+Marathon)&daddr=Magnolia,+OH+to:Dellroy,+OH+to:Carrollton,+OH+to:OH-9+S%2FGermano-Carrollton+Rd+to:OH-646+E+to:S+Main+St+to:W+Main+St+to:W+Washington+St+to:OH-9+S%2FU.S.+30+W%2FLincoln+Hwy+to:N+Lisbon+St+to:Dellroy,+OH+to:Magnolia,+OH+to:East+Canton,+OH&hl=en&ll=40.599356,-80.934906&spn=0.774726,1.50238&sll=40.59102,-81.01404&sspn=0.774823,1.50238&geocode=FfxcbgIdArkn-yGKwEFunsQJTg%3BFaRJbAIdyXkn-ylNb_Y3XsI2iDGNQJMew_egCA%3BFQzQagIdQ_4o-ynnJ7Cnces2iDHrIohHEEm7aA%3BFagXawIdK7sq-ynX079lK5Q2iDGWk3PMnwNhQA%3BFY6saAIdPLos-w%3BFWBiaAId6iEw-w%3BFXSJaQIdBDMt-w%3BFWbbawIdHIMu-w%3BFcIdbgId6I0v-w%3BFdabbQIdkLYs-w%3BFUYnawIdoMYq-w%3BFQzQagIdQ_4o-ynnJ7Cnces2iDHrIohHEEm7aA%3BFaRJbAIdyXkn-ylNb_Y3XsI2iDGNQJMew_egCA%3BFVFdbgIdz7kn-yl1wH7hh8U2iDEk4fDl-XN0lA&oq=East+Can&mra=ls&t=m&z=10 or this: http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Bolivar,+OH+44612&daddr=OH-212+E%2FCumberland+Rd+SW+to:E+Main+St+to:40.4096028,-80.846701+to:OH-43+N%2FCanton+Rd+to:40.4636361,-80.7325124+to:OH-7+N+to:40.6542321,-80.8095741+to:W+Lincoln+Way&hl=en&ll=40.579054,-80.767583&spn=0.910546,2.113495&sll=40.672275,-80.770415&sspn=0.113661,0.264187&geocode=FU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ%3BFdQzaQIdAOEo-w%3BFTFfaAIdiMAq-w%3BFQKaaAIdk2Au-ylvOTuF4YI2iDHvveSriQubBQ%3BFSVfaAId7isw-w%3BFRRtaQIdoB4w-ykd-J40fSY0iDHJ_18fq3oMsQ%3BFRYOawIdeB8x-w%3BFZhVbAIdmvEu-ymRoSitHx40iDH7zm_USF_afQ%3BFVQibgId1n4v-w&t=v&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=7&sz=13&via=3,5,7&z=10 will stop for chow in lisbon or maybe somewhere else... let's just get out and ride. good safe, but brisk pace. all are welcome be fueled and geared up by 10:15am, rollin' there after.
  2. I'm comin' from akron and I wanna organize a ride for saturday and I'm strugglin' with this google map making thing. most of the other riders will be coming from northeast ohio and I just need a good twistie clean 2xx mi. route from meet point and back. I know oh-164 pretty well now. I wanna give oh-9 another shot. we do usually like to end up in lisbon for chow in the afternoon, but I would prefer a good suggestion for the route. we're lookin' for about a three hour ride. of course this is all flexible. I'd like some posts with google or mapquest directions. thank you very much!
  3. just got my shinko mounted on my falco!
  4. .... probably still have a few commutes in them, but maybe nothing more hardcore than that........
  5. no real story here.... just gettin a new tire on, rear brake bleed, welding a peg onto the kickstand, and raising the bike back up ( from being lowered, I scrape the pegs to easily in the turns).........
  6. haven't seen any rides planned lately? my bike is this shop but I should be gettin it in a couple of days, it's a full go after that.... so I may plan one or you all post somethin up!
  7. ....... how bout for me?!?!?! PLEASE!!! red and black aprilia!!! you're the man doc!!!!!
  8. ...... sounds like I missed an adventure.... (waitin' on a tire).....
  9. .... my back tire is on it's last few miles...... it'll be fine. hopefully changin' it next week.....
  10. ....... I might be able to do a shorter ride that ends up in somewhere where we can watch mayweather vs. cotto.....................
  11. ........... I might be able to ride later. Maybe like a 2pm meet time..........
  12. .... so, it's raining and radar just took a dump so this will be on sunday MAY 13th, 2012 for sure........
  13. We're making a video for this song: http://soundcloud.com/ezswagg/ez-swagg-ft-deez-l-pedal-2-the here is an example of another video: http://www.youtube.com/embed/iOXkdYmKm4s WE NEED STUNTERS but we also need anybody who rides especially the female riders. so shine the bikes up and come on out!!! SUNDAY 5 / 13 / 2012 at 10AM in the rolling acres parking lot. This is our time to shine. Stunts and a large formation shot is in order. if anybody wants to add footage via gopro that would be awesome as well.
  14. We need stunters for sure! but any other riders that we could get in a huge street form shot would be great too
  15. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iOXkdYmKm4s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. the video would be for this song: http://soundcloud.com/ezswagg/ez-swagg-ft-deez-l-pedal-2-the here's a video they've made already: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iOXkdYmKm4s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> the parking lot is huge, vacant, and off the street. so we're fine.
  17. This date has changed to sunday and there is a new thread for it
  18. when is your final? we wanna do this at like 1pm or 2pm in west akron.
  19. ok. I know most of you wanted for sunday, bout how many of you can do THIS friday 5/4/12? it would be like a 1pm meet up time!
  20. ..... this is what happens when I post without details set.....
  21. .......... where those pics at guys?..........
  22. I'm sure we can get like 4 or 5 five of us to do something like this.
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