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Everything posted by blue98ls1

  1. From experience Tricare WILL cover treatment at OSU, but it requires a lot of phone calls and referrals. A LOT of phone calls.
  2. Spread the word! We still need 30 more sign ups.
  3. I had thought about a spice rack too. I saved as much of the cabinets as possible to reuse for whatever ends up going in that little space.
  4. I ended up doing something close to that. Going to put in a wine rack or something to the right to fill in the space. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/20170423_192521.jpg
  5. Our house has some extremely well made Amish kitchen cabinets. They were made without a dishwasher in mind. They were also made in large sections (4 cabinets long). We are wanting to install a dishwasher in these, and after partially dismantling 2 of the cabinets, I have gotten to the floor section. Short of taking the entire counter top off and removing the sink and everything else.... I am guessing I will have to cut out the floor section of this cabinet, right? I have been dreading this all week, but it needs to be done. I just want some other opinions to make sure I am doing this right. Picture of inner cabinet: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/20170423_143639.jpg
  6. You should. Spots are limited! Many thanks to Brian for taking time out to make this video for us!
  7. He usually does, but i'm not making guarantee's. Maybe he will chime in here soon. We are planning on driving up for the Ohio LSX meet as well. Going to be a busy weekend! We will also be doing an Ohio LSX and Columbus Racing joint dyno day in June locally at a different sponsors shop. I will be posting those details in the near future.
  8. Come join us at Dyno Tune Motorsports for our annual ColumbusRacing.com Dyno Day! Sunday April 30th, 2017 - 10am - 6pm. Spots are LIMITED. First come, first serve. Spectators are welcome. Please be respectful. 3 Pulls/$50. The Dyno is limited to RWD/FWD cars. Dyno Tune Motorsports is located: 311 OPM Companies Drive Galloway, OH 43119 Hope to see everyone there!
  9. Anthony sent you a text. We will take it.
  10. Pics? Welcome to CR! We live near Zanesville too.
  11. Thank you for sponsoring our event and providing trophies!
  12. I will take the 33-2304 Quote for shipping to 43760, please.
  13. :nopics: How long ago where you a member? I might be able to restore your old account if you know what it was.
  14. Welcome! Be sure to tell Wheel Medic you are with Columbus Racing, they are one of our sponsors. I believe they still give a little discount to members too.
  15. OhioRacing.org is locked down similar to CR. We wanted to open it up a little bit though, as one of the primary complaints I have heard over the years with CR was that it was extremely locked down and content could not be viewed to see what the site was about. On the new forum, it is still locked down, but you can see the thread title in each section. Basically you get a screen shot of what the board currently has going on at the moment. You just can't get any content until you log in. We are still doing human verification - yes it can make approvals a little slower as only a couple of us are doing them at the moment (this will change), but fuck spam.
  16. We have Trish for the Subaru side. We just need to create a group. Not sure who Robert is? Send them my way.
  17. We can create groups for the different car clubs eventually. Just need people that want to be in charge of their own groups!
  18. As of right now its word of mouth. Posting in various facebook groups. We are pulling in a different group of Administrators for the new forum. We took some from CR. But we are trying to bring on people from Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown, Toledo/Lima and various other areas. JP and Chris Lane are helping with the NE Ohio area. We are still looking for people for Cincinnati and some other areas. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to let me know. Feel free to blast the forum to anyone/everyone you know. As Chris said, Lets make forums great again!
  19. Patience please! Lol The human verification is what keeps spam and unwanted users off of the forums. Approval is not instant but keeps the forums clean.
  20. Yes, I will send you a PM later this evening.
  21. Wish granted. I will add an Off-Road forum this evening.
  22. The new WRX needed some new tires. After doing some price shopping, Derek at Best One managed to beat everyone else's prices including Tire Rack! And the tires where delivered to me! Thanks again Derek!
  23. Hell definitely froze over. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/9b7b9616-ef5d-4f0b-b584-6a22afd56b08.jpg
  24. We have had a couple cheap Subaru's for daily's. Never fully got away from them. We have had an 09 Forester for a while, its been a great car. This one does have the park bench wing.
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