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Everything posted by blue98ls1

  1. If you have nothing to contribute and feel you have a growing fan club of haters, not to mention your dislike for the people on the forum, what keeps bringing you back?
  2. The short answer to this stupidity is, no we will not be moderating the forum more. It does NOT need MORE moderation. Most people are completely civilized to each other unless you overly provoke them. As for our mods on this forum, these are trusted members that we personally know to do what needs done on this forum. Being a moderator on this forum is voluntary and we appreciate every one of them for helping shape CR into what it is. Past and present. Unlike most other forums you need to realize most of the members on this forum know each other personally. Some jokes shared between friends may look offensive to an "outsider" which is why some people believe you need to have a thick skin to be a part of this forum. In reality most people do like each other and even hang out with each other in person. And as for the kitchen and the threads in it, it is clearly marked a kitchen thread when looking at new posts. If you can't take the couple seconds to fully read what forum its in before clicking on it, this is your problem, not ours.
  3. And this is just pure stupidity. So you won't buy a car from a trusted site sponsor that has amazing reviews and "high recommendations" because of an opinion the owner has regarding your stupid post? This to me sounds like a very spiteful comment for someone who thinks this forum should be over moderated. If I where to do as you suggest, I would be removing all of your posts as they are the only ones causing shit in an otherwise helpful thread with good information and opinions.
  4. So basically what you are saying is that you want to take a car forum of very diverse people and opinions and tell them what they can and cannot say. You want it to be an over moderated dictatorship where people cannot post their opinions or have some fun? You know what you will have left? Absolutely nothing. We are told we over moderate the forum as it is. "Start deleting posts where offensive things are happening" - Who gets to judge whats offensive? Whats offensive to you may not be offensive to me. If you don't like the kitchen section, stay out of it. If you don't like the people on the forum and think they are a bunch of douche-bags, there is a logoff button in the top corner, I suggest you use it and forget the password to log back in. If you need help with this last part I can definitely make it happen for you.
  5. During the last major batch of changes on the forum, I removed the rep system. When I did this I also removed the need for new members to go through "The Oven" process. (which has since been renamed) Once you sign up on the forum, and are approved by an Admin, you can now read the whole forum and post anywhere you want. You are no longer required to be approved by the members of the forum or be "repped in". Racing and cars will always be the primary purpose of this website, but we will keep the other sections going and maybe eventually expand on them more in the future as well. We will see what happens after the software gets updated.
  6. Forum software upgrade has been on the list for a while. Every time we are close to being ready to do this something else pops up in our life and it gets put on hold. This is nearing the top of my priority list though of things that we need to do for the forum. Making the forum publicly viewable but require a login to read the threads is also one of the things that is on the list for future changes. I wanted to do this when removing the rep/infraction system but we where not quite ready to implement that many changes all at once.
  7. 2015 F150 wheels. We bought them for our truck and never put them on. Trying to haul as little as possible when we move next month. No tires, no TPMS sensors. Less than 5k miles on them. Couple scratches on the clear coat on a couple of them. $450 or best offer. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/WP_20150927_001.jpg
  8. Looking for a new place to have Columbusracing.com window decals made. Anyone work for a shop or have a recommendation?
  9. This is the section to privately sell automotive related parts. You must have a minimum post count of 25 in order to start a new for sale thread. If you are selling parts as a vendor, or business related sales, please click here and read the instructions to register your business. All items for sale MUST include an asking price. No more "make me an offer", "what's it worth", etc. If you don't have an idea of what to ask as a starting price, check Ebay for comparable items, ask around, or just guess and add "obo" to the asking price. NO DIBS. See bottom of this post for details. Please use the appropriate tag listed below in the topic of your post: FS: - use this tag for items For Sale WTB: - Want To Buy WTT: - Want To Trade This is to cut down on clutter and make it easier for others to figure out what you are trying to accomplish. When an item is sold, please change the thread title to reflect this. In the bar at the top of your post, there is the Edit button. Use this to change the thread title once the transaction is complete. The thread will then be locked. Do not post off topic replies, this can be done through PM. Posts that are not relevant, including criticizing an asking price, will be deleted. Do not dig up the grave. If a thread has had no replies in over a month, do not post in it again. The threads are left on here so that people are able to go back and find contact information if there are any problems later on. If the person that started the thread never stated whether or not an item was sold, send them a private message to ask if it is still available. If you want to bring your post back to the top for more attention, just reply TTT to it, but not more than once a day. Bringing it to the top 5 times in an hour won't make it sell any faster. If you have an issue with a bad buyer/seller, feel free to send an Admin or a Mod a PM so that the issue can be resolved. ----------------------- Due to some past issues with people replying to ads and calling "dibs", which is basically claiming all rights to a sale, we wish to post our policy on this subject. "Calling dibs" isn't valid here. There are many reasons for this. 1. Seller has the ultimate right to sell to whoever he chooses, as well as the right to refuse to sell to someone for whatever reason. 2. Seller could have this item advertised in the regional forum, classified forum, and maybe 10 other websites and the local newspaper. Its impossible to claim "dibs" on a sale that you might not have seen first. You might be the first to reply in a thread, but that doesn't mean 10 people have already emailed the seller about it. 3. Calling "dibs" sometimes makes other potential buyers lose interest in the sale. This really sucks when the guy calling "dibs" is just a dreamer or is trying to lowball the seller, and ends up not buying the item. The other buyers will probably be long gone by then, and have bought similar items from someone else. 4. If you want to use CR as a venue to sell your item(s), please take the time to post a full description and asking price. Do not just post a direct link to Ebay or Craigslist. If you do have an Ebay, Craigslist, autotrader, or simular site, you can add it to your post if you would like. So, please keep in mind that "calling dibs" on something does NOT guarantee you the sale of the item. Therefore, do not waste your time calling dibs. Just send a PM or email to the seller and discuss things privately. Once your sale is 100% confirmed and you sent the funds, you may reply that it is sold to you. ------------------------------- Using Columbus Racing to sell a large number of items can also get you classified as a vendor, requiring you to pay the vendors fee. A bonus of paying this fee is getting a larger PM box. There is no defined number of for sale posts to to cause someone to fall into this classification. This is left as a gray area on purpose, and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. However, so long as you follow the other guidelines of this section and aren't abusing it, there should be nothing to worry about. Posting a large number of items for sale prevents other people's posts from being noticed, as one person can flood the first page with posts, causing other people's posts to drop off to the second page. To make it more fair for the people that only list a couple items here, this type of activity will be monitored. If you do not wish to become a vendor, but still post like this, you may be subject to disciplinary action as seen fit by the administration. It should be noted that, while these are the stated rules, there are times when issues come up that we haven't thought of. The administration of Columbus Racing is here to keep things clean, fair, and running smoothly. In order to do this, we occasionally have to make decisions that not everyone will agree with. If there has been moderation that you don't agree with, please PM a Moderator or Admin and we will review the issue.
  10. Rules that are established on CR. Note - new rules can be implemented at any time. If an Admin or Mod tells you that something is a rule, it would be best to listen to them. We can't predict the future, and if something unforeseen becomes an issue we will take care of it. Profile information Your total combined size for pictures in your signature should not exceed 500x200. That doesn’t mean if you have more than one picture that they can both be 500x200. The combined total of any images should be no larger than 500x200. Additionally, the total of all images in your signature should not exceed 60K. Your custom title and other information on the right side of your posts should be truncated as to not make your posts a nuisance that take up half of the screen. Nuisance info will be removed. Also, we’ve had an increasing problem with signatures and avatars that are not safe for work. We’re logging significant complaints on this one. We’re going to send you a PM if we notice your profile being too risqué. If you receive a notice, please comply immediately. If we have to fix your profile, you run the risk of having your profile locked so you won't have the privilege of custom info and/or signatures. NWS (Not work safe) links/pictures/etc Hotlinking NWS pictures is not allowed. If you want to post this stuff, use the flashing NWS icon to clearly show what it is, and post a link for users to click on to be able to see it. Some people view CR from work or other places where they don't want inappropriate pictures to show up on their screens. These people probably wouldn't want to be fired or divorced because of something stupid. Racism, personal threats Since this is a local forum that encourages its users to actually meet and become friends with each other, it has been decided long ago that hostility and intolerance on here can lead to physical altercations, which we would like to prevent. There are to be no racist comments or slurs, and no threats (veiled or direct) towards any other members. While most infractions on here will result in a warning and edit, these are instaban. Law Enforcement Officers, News Reporters While this is a private forum, what you say on here isn't 100% private. You are responsible for everything you say on here, whether in public post or private message. We know there are officers of the law on here along with journalists. And now you do too. Street Racing The administration of this website does not encourage street racing. We also do not encourage talking of street racing (see above). There are many legal forms of racing that occur only on closed track with proper safety equipment, which we would like to see our members participate in. CR does provide track days for it's members as both a recreational event and as an alternative to racing on the streets. These can be found in the "CR Track Days" section if and when you're able to view the rest of the forums. Carfax No, we can't run a VIN for you. Stop asking. They don't appreciate people sharing, and we can be held liable. It's only a couple bucks. Selling/Buying goods Columbus Racing has various For Sale sections where people can buy/sell/trade goods. You must have a postcount of 25 before being allowed to participate. Do not postwhore to get to that point, we have countermeasures. Before posting in these sections, please be sure you have read the section's rules, and that you are classifying your item(s) correctly. OMG! CENSORSHIP! DICTATORS! ASSHOLE MODERATORS! From time to time the Staff of CR may feel the need to edit, delete or lock posts. From time to time our decisions are not agreed with, but we do what we do for a reason. This forum also has some of the most lax rules on posting, and unless something is way out of hand the Staff generally debates over issues before making a decision. For those who like to claim First Amendment - that only applies to the government, not private organizations. What this boils down to is that this is a privately owned and operated forum - your membership is a privilege, not a right. If you can't follow the rules, and want to be a problem, we reserve the right to remove you or what you say on here. OMG! Women on CR?! Jumping all over a woman on CR, asking for pics, etc will get you banned. You losers need to lay off the women on CR. You aren't going to get ass from them, so stop harassing them and treat them like any other member. Women, I'll ban you too if you encourage this. The next "Hi, I'm a girl" title gets you banned too. FAQ: How to post pictures http://www.columbusracing.com/forums...ead.php?t=1743 Welcome posts aren't chat rooms Don't go offtopic in someone's welcome thread - this isn't an AOL chatroom. Keep discussion on point and civil. Note: These are not rules specifically for Columbus Racing. These are "rules" that have been made either for other forums, or forums in general, and can give the novice an idea as to what to expect. That, and they are funny
  11. ColumbusRacing.com allows guns to be advertised here under the strict expectation that the sales will proceed 100% according to every applicable State and Federal law. Zero exceptions. Here I have spelled out most of the laws that you will be dealing with. Registration: Contrary to popular belief, Ohio does not have gun registration. There is no registration at the Federal level. Ohio also does not have a waiting period for purchasing. Paperwork: When buying from a gun store or other FFL (Federal Firearms License) holder you will be required to fill out a form to do a background check. When buying from a private individual, you are not required to do a background check or any other paperwork. That being said, it is recommended that at the very least there is a bill of sale, and that the seller copy all of the information from the buyer's ID. If you, as the seller, have any doubts about the buyer, a gun store/FFL would be willing to do the background check for you, usually for a small fee. Be wary of anyone refusing to do a background check or show ID. Dealers/FFLs are allowed to refuse sales to anyone they want, for any reason. Private sellers can do the same. A paper trail can save you if the other party has ill intentions. Buying age and other restrictions: To buy a firearm from a dealer, you must be 18 to buy a long gun (rifles and shotguns) and 21 to buy a handgun. Same rules apply for ammunition. It is illegal for someone convicted of a felony, or certain misdemeanors to purchase a firearm. If you have been convicted of domestic/spousal abuse or something similar, speak with a firearms salesman prior to filling out any paperwork to see if you will be alright. Purchasing a gun for someone else: Buying a gun for anyone who is knowingly going to commit a felony or use it for wrongful purposes is against the law and the person buying the firearm for another is committing a felony that is very prosecutable. This is called a straw purchase. Purchasing for a gift is fine, just tell the salesman, and they will have the person that will be receiving the gun do a background check. Sometimes they also have the person giving the gift do a check too. Purchasing for an underage child is usually ok, the parent will do the background check. Shipping: A firearm can not be shipped from one individual to another. Guns must be shipped to an FFL. It is acceptable for an individual to ship to an FFL, but it is also possible to have a local FFL ship to another. FFL's will charge a fee at both ends to have this done, as they generally don't like dealing with it. Handguns must be shipped overnight, long guns can be shipped ground. The receiving FFL will run a background check. Ammo can not be shipped with a gun. Fired casings to show primer strikes are ok. Whoever is on the sending side will need to contact the FFL on the receiving end before shipping. It is recommended that everything is insured, but not required. Permits: There are no permits required to own a gun. Permits offered by Ohio are concealed carry, NFA and AOW. NFA and AOW: Sales of these through this site are discouraged. Please speak with a dealer or your county Sheriff for more info. More information: If you still have questions not answered here, the web is great resource. Realize that not everyone knows what they are talking about, so check multiple sources. In writing this, I consulted a friend of mine (and member here) who is a salesman at a local store. However, I will not guarantee the accuracy of this post, but to my knowledge everything here is either correct through the law, or a suggestion to cover yourself. These sites are dedicated to firearm laws and can be a good resource: People's Rights Organization: http://www.peoplesrights.org/ Hand Gun Law: http://handgunlaw.us/
  12. Put some different wheels on the Trans Am and no longer need the wheels/tires that came on it. They are the Chrome 5 spokes. 3 of them are in good condition. 1 of them has a lot of pitting and peeling starting. These would be good daily wheels, winter wheels or something along those lines. The tires on the wheels are not matching, but they will work for a little while. $100 takes them. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/WP_20150802_001.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/WP_20150802_002.jpg
  13. We have a brand new in the box setup that should work for $40. I can get you a picture when I get home.
  14. I am bringing the Camaro out. I will probably cruise over with you too.
  15. Huge thanks to Ryan for doing an amazing job detailing our new Hugger Orange Camaro. The car looks fantastic now. The paint was a little dull and had/has imperfections from being 16 yrs old. He was able to take a lot of those imperfections out. It is incredibly shiny and everything reflects beautifully in the paint now. I highly recommend him for anyone looking for a detailer. I look forward to taking our Firebirds to him in the future to be detailed. Thanks again! http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/edit8_1.jpg
  16. This is Zero, he is so much wow. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/DSC_3257.jpg
  17. Several ways to do it, here's one... Copy the URL (direct link) of the picture you want from photobucket. Go to the signature option in UserCP.... click on the little picture that looks like a mountain, it says "insert link". Paste the link into the box, hit ok and your good to go.
  18. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/14.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/15.jpg
  19. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/7_1.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/10_1.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/11_1.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/9_1.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/12_1.jpg
  20. Got into photography last year and haven't had a chance to use my home camera much so I brought it out for a couple pics. Didn't get a chance to get many pictures but snapped a few mid-day. Couple more will be uploaded tomorrow. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/1_1.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/2_1.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/5_1.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/4_1.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/6_1.jpg
  21. Ducks are incredibly messy. I have raised tons of them. Runners and Khaki's where my favorites. Mallards will fly off in the fall usually. We had some that stayed. If you keep them in the winter they need heat and heated water so it doesn't freeze. TSC sells bulk bags of food. Duck eggs are awesome for cooking. And I have had good luck purchasing ducks from https://www.mthealthy.com Watch out for other animals, ducks have very few friends... They taste good to almost every creature evidently. We fenced ours in and still occasionally had issues in the city.
  22. We have window decals available. Pm me your address if you would like a couple.
  23. First car was supposed to be my moms 1991 Isuzu Stylus. I learned to drive in it but left home and moved to NY and decided the Isuzu wasn't a good fit for the mountain roads I had to drive so I got a 1990 Subaru Legacy. It was fun learning to drive a 5spd station wagon up to the top of a mountain with steep grades and hairpin turns. I felt sooo bad for that car when I attempted the drive up from the bottom in 3rd gear at 15mph. It somehow made it up that first hill but the car smelled like burnt clutch for a week. Quick lesson learned! I miss my Subaru's every winter.
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