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Everything posted by blue98ls1

  1. If you want to stick around here, you gotta have thicker skin than this. You are only getting picked on more because you obviously are taking this a little more seriously than you should. Lighten up. Laugh. Ignore the trolls. Its winter so they have to pick on someone. I know I have some pictures of Jones around here somewhere I can post if he doesn't settle down.... :gabe:
  2. Awesome truck! I want one like that.
  3. Thanks everyone for submitting some really amazing photo's! It was a very hard decision to pick each one but photo's have been selected and PM's will be going out shortly to the members who's photo's where selected. I will try to have a link up by the 1st so that everyone may purchase one if desired. If your photo wasn't selected this year, it might be next year! We will be doing this again next Dec, but slightly earlier so we can have it ready before Christmas next yr! Thanks again everyone for following the rules and making this a success!
  4. Tanzanite heart necklace. Tanzanite white gold ring. (One of my favorite stones) Naughty Bear gold edition 360 game, Leatherman, Wok, and some other stuff. My GTO was my early Christmas present. So I had to pay a little closer attention to some of the things he wanted this year. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/013.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/017-1.jpg
  5. I picked out my own ring. Something cheap that would hold up to abuse. I would have been pissed if Anthony would have bought me an expensive ring and would have never worn it. I have nice jewelry for those rare occasions when I am not messing with my cars and fixing up my house. But for something I have to wear every single day.... Love the cheap ring I have. And love all of my sports cars that he has bought me with the money that wasn't wasted on a piece of jewelry.
  6. Rules for this thread: Do NOT post unless you are posting a photo of YOUR own car, one that you still own, to be submitted for the Calendar. Anyone posting anything except photos of your own car to be considered for the Calendar will be banned from the thread AND infracted. This thread needs to stay organized and not become a train wreck like so many other threads on CR. We will select 12 photo's of those submitted. Deadline is Dec 24th. We will be using an online service such as Cafe Press or another service available to purchase the final product through. We are looking at our options right now. If you have any suggestions, feel free to PM me. You MUST have a high resolution copy of the photo you submit available. You can post the lower res. copy here but if we select your photo, the higher quality version will need to be Emailed to me. Posting multiple photo's is fine. And posting photo's of different cars you own is fine also. Whoever posts up the best photo for the month of January 2012 will recieve a free Calendar. If we get enough winter submissions we may make a poll for this one. Let's see the photo's!
  7. lol, awesome. The snowman totally deserves this: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b33_1315307181
  8. blue98ls1

    Tight ass's

    Phil was not banned. BC is fucking with him and made him miserable from what I understand.
  9. blue98ls1

    Tight ass's

    Honestly, what more could you guys want? There is a section for trolling, bashing, ranting whatever the fuck you want to do. Newbs get their own threads and bashed on a regular basis in there. Ringokid? MjrSplat? Granted some of those people put up with the crap and stick around, others don't. We rarely close down threads unless its something that has been blown way out of proportion. We are always being told how unfair it is that our moderators start this crap and don't get punished for it but the average person gets infracted or banned. Well thats not the case. Ben is no longer a moderator. And even Wagner has an infraction. Erik, as a sponsor on this board, I would have assumed you would understand more so than anyone how damaging it can be to a business to have some random person that isn't even involved take a simple comment and turn it into something its definately not. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone posting crap about you in a situation like this. Kind of sucks when you are in our position as we know and are friends with some of the people involved in these situations. But as we've been told over and over, in situations like this CR needs to be run as a business. And thats exactly the course I took with this. And yeah, i'm sure there are a lot of butthurt people over it. All of the rules, infractions, everything else has been put into place because everyone wants it there. Everyone complains our children of today are too protected and people get butthurt too easily. Well its not just children, its adults too. A lot of people on this board needs to grow some balls and not take everything so serious. And others need to learn where the line is. Even the trolls seem to understand not to cross the invisible line. (Except Phil in the winter time. Time to get the dust off the ban hammer.)
  10. Many thanks to: Phil! Without him, this wouldn't have happened. And without his hard work on the awards many laughs would not have happened. Those where awesome! Sweet designs specialty cakes for the awesome Anniversary Cake. Mrs. Ebright is extremely talented and we thank them for being a sponsor on the board and making an awesome cake for us. She truly can make just about anything you ask for and go above and beyond expectations! Also thanks to Capital area Towing for coming out and picking up Anthony's car and dropping it off safely at our home. And thanks to Gary for taking me home to get my car. It is amazing people like these on this forum that help make it what it is. Thanks to everyone who came out, and many thanks to all of our sponsors and we look forward to another 10 years! http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/386106_10101065039224775_12447155_67594465_780610493_n.jpg http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz136/Paynechris87/46327dfb.jpg
  11. No need to bring out one of the fast cars. The truck can handle this job. :gabe:
  12. 2 Wheels with tires. Good condition, just dirty. I was going to use these for drag radials on my car, but i'm using my old chrome wheels instead. FREE - First person to come get them can have them. I work until 3-4ish, so it would have to be after that. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/v6wheels.jpg
  13. Columbus Racing will be celebrating its 10 year anniversary at QS&L. 8500 Lyra Drive Columbus, OH 43240 Saturday Nov 5 6:00-830pm. Parking area will be blocked off for us as well as the "party" room. Many thanks to Phil for helping get the ball rolling with this.
  14. Steak & Shake - 5995 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 9pm. We'll probably go to Home Depot after if anyone is out.
  15. The truck is the winter beater. I normally drive it all winter due to my Firebird not liking the snow. This car is basically replacing my Firebird. The Firebird was the daily/track car. Now its just going to be a track car/weekend car.
  16. This car is just straight up fun. I really wanted a 6spd but I fell in love with the color of this car and hitting the gas at 40mph and the car squeals the tires is just plain fucking awesome. :masturboy: Plus I am sick a lot and thought it might be better to get an auto this time around. I still have my Firebird when I want a manual car to play with, and its soon to be even faster. :gabe:
  17. LOL, yes, but I told Anthony to take the one down on the main page this morning. ;)
  18. Had to have the Firebird towed yesterday. Did an awesome job loading it up and getting it into the driveway. Very quick response time. Thanks again! http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/Firebirdtowed2.jpg
  19. Been to NYC many, many times. Never for New Years Day as I knew better, but I have been there during Christmas and it's a mess but beautiful. I went to see the Xmas decorations and to visit FAO Schwarz, some museums, etc. NYC is the hurry up and wait city. Getting in/out of the city will be a nightmare. The day before Christmas it took me 5 hours to drive into the city. Don't take a nice car into the city, take a beater or a rental with full coverage. They are all assholes and will cut you off or try to run you off the road if you aren't an aggressive driver. (I took my Firebird this last March, road construction added a few hours to trying to get out of the city, and I will never take a 6spd car into the city again after that.) Reserve parking WAY ahead of time. Parking garages are going to be packed. Street side parking won't be an option unless you get extremely lucky and park somewhere on the opposite side of the city where you don't want to be. Subway will be your friend for transportation as cabs can be pretty expensive.
  20. Thanks for the pic Wagner. I think its the best one I have seen of my car in a long time!
  21. My Car is getting a Turbo within the next month or two. Hoping it will be done by the Nov track day but if not, Really excited to see what it will do next year.
  22. Want a piece? :gabe: No sleeping going on between gears. Clutch has a decent amount of wear.
  23. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/C360_2011-10-0809-39-52.jpg
  24. blue98ls1 12.76@110.32 1.95 60' 10/07/11 -- Formula-- N/A http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/tina1276pass.jpg
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