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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. Welcome to OR! Here's what's on the computer now: Going old school!
  2. Today was service day for me too! Must be the decent weather...
  3. Your dick? Seriously, though - I just bought a Champion watch at Target, about $20. It does laps.
  4. Welcome to OR! Nothing is currently playing on my computer. (And no, this is not a spam/virus, Ben )
  5. Welcome to OR! Here's what's on the computer now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLdKmQ1g4YE
  6. Do some online searching - there are systems designed just for this. Not cheap ($100+) but they do the job. Pretty sure POR15 makes one, maybe Eastman too.
  7. You can use those weights to hold it down... in the dumpster after you trash it and get a spray in liner. What you have now can (and likely will) cause the bed to rust more than nothing at all. First truck accessory, hit up Zeibart or Rhinoline or whoever and get it done right.
  8. This is a great price and would be a good upgrade from the 250. Fast, but manageable.
  9. http://ifunny.mobi/iMXZetSLT#MXZetSLT Surprise Motherfuka!
  10. Welcome to OR! Here's what's playing now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMyLKmtTCTQ
  11. Welcome to OR! Here's what's on the computer now:
  12. Welcome to OR! Here's what's on the computer now:
  13. Seems like a fair price - bump it up!
  14. Looks really clean given the age. Well bought!
  15. Glad to hear you're relatively unscathed. Bikes can be fixed or replaced. Riders are harder...
  16. Sorry to hear about the poker tables - poker and blackjack are about all I play at a casino. As for the craps tables... can't say I've ever played craps...
  17. Welcome to OR! This is what is playing on the computer now:
  18. Sounds like what happened to me. Don't think it will work since the article is on Yahoo! already, though...
  19. So, anyone else catch this story? Woman comes home to her house after a year away and finds someone else living there. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/woman-forced-live-squatter-detroit-home-170128148.html What the fuck? I need to go steal a house in Detroit, right?
  20. No - in fact, the Hyatt at the Grandview Yard on Goodale won a seven figure law suit against the city when the location of the casino got moved. I guess it was in their plans and contract that they would be the closest to the casino.
  21. Wow. This is fantastic. There was a time where you could beat a little respect into an asshole, now they just pull a gun and shoot you... Honestly surprised that didn't happen here.
  22. Welcome to OR. This is what is playing on the computer-
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