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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. I liked the position of the clip for how I carry it - I tuck it into my back pocket, all the wat to the right hand side of the right pocket. This is the same side I keep my radio on at work, so if someone approaches me, I can "have my hand on the radio" when really, it's on the old pokey stick ready to go if need be.
  2. Yeah, Ben finally called - sounds pretty serious about getting my wood this weekend. For those of you who are disappointed you didn't get my wood, it sounds like this may eventually become a server shelf to house the overworked OR servers... you'll all be getting a little bit of my wood every time you log on. Shit, I've got a little wood just thinking about it.
  3. Brown - love the black on black CTS...
  4. If Brown didn't post to this thread, it would be about 7 pages long. Shit.
  5. Wow. Just wow. If I were 4 7/8 years further into our 5 year financial plan, I'd be calling the bank today. Great price, great car. GLWS!
  6. See? I'm not the only asshole Seriously though - if you plan to keep the car for less than 3 years, Walmart it up. If you plan to keep it forever, Optima is a great brand. Just know that Optima batteries cannot be quick charged, so if you ever run it dry it'll take a while (a long while) to charge.
  7. It's been a minute since I sold batteries, but as of five years ago, Exide, JCI and Interstate were the only major manufacturers. Unless you're just talking about the quality of Walmart automotive batteries.
  8. jester3681


    Welcome to OR! This is what's playing on the computer now:
  9. Big plug is power and lighting, small plug is unpowered speaker (goes to the amp). You need both. Junkyard, or auto parts store. Dealer will have it if no one else does.
  10. I've had pretty good luck with the Walmart store brand, and they're about the cheapest you'll find. In reality, there's only three major battery manufacturers left, so you're more or less buying one of those three no matter what the sticker says.
  11. Good chuckle to start the morning...
  12. I'd suggest maybe a dirt bike or even a track bike - let him wipe out a few times in a controlled environment. Then if he wants to smear himself over the pavement, more power to him. I was three bikes in when I got my VTR, still wiped out. Still have a bit of a limp ten years later.
  13. They have an account, yes, but it's not unlimited like you'd think. They still pay like $8/each to pull a VIN.
  14. I used to routinely travel to Sacramento, CA and Phoenix, AZ. Nowadays, Indianapolis is as far as this guy makes it.
  15. Which camera/system were you using here?
  16. Right, right. I meant only in the case where paperwork did not match either other paperwork or negotiated price, not the price just being too high/low for the market.
  17. Problem here is that the car isn't a lemon, it's just been abused. Any used car could conceivably have been abused just as bad or worse. I put clutches in cars with less than 1500 miles because people either didn't know how to drive a manual or beat the shit out of a car. Just because the dealer did it doesn't make it a lemon.
  18. This is reasonable. I'd say new tranny, new clutch, everyone move on with their lives. This guy can be back on the road with his Camaro and his mullet by dinner time.
  19. Well, shucks. I suppose I was the other side of right... not wrong, no. Maybe less right? Yes, I was less right than Cheech . I can say that when I was at the dealership I saw this happen on both sides - maybe our contracts were written better, maybe our customers were more understanding. Who knows, but it looks like the law doesn't allow it. Now, who knows - this happened in Carolina, right? Or was that the clutch thing? I didn't really read this article, just the other one...
  20. Oh, I see his viewpoint, sure. I'd be mad, and I might even ask for a new car. I wouldn't get one, and this guy shouldn't either. If this dealership had this shitty of a service department, hopefully this incident will show it. They need to fix the car, he needs to never go back. Maybe consider a Mustang next time.
  21. Texas is a death penalty state.
  22. Once the contract is voided out and the car is requested back, if he does not return it, it's stolen. Think about it this way, you go to Hertz to rent that little Chevy Avea you love so much. You sign a contract for, say 2 days. After a week, they call and say, "Mr. Dude, we'd like that Aveo back since every other princess in Ohio wants to drive one and be queen for a day." You don't bring it back. Since the contract is no longer in place, you're driving around in Hertz's car, not your car, even though for a period of time, it was yours. Same concept. Unless this guy paid cash, full value, up front, the financing can be pulled out at any point in the window I've described. Hell, more than likely, the financing was never in place, and in reality it was still the dealership's as long as money was concerned...
  23. Matter of fact, they do. If the agreed price is not what is on any piece of the paperwork, the deal can be voided. Seen that happen too, but usually, the customer just resigns for the lower, correct price.
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