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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. There's got to be a funny picture to go along with this story. Otherwise this would be the "stories about my time on the far side of the pond" thread...
  2. Wow, we live just Northeast and didn't hear anything, but we're in the ascent path, not descent path... unfortunately this happens more than you'd think.
  3. This sounds like a good opportunity. I'd jump on it if I were you. Just make sure all your ducks are in a row. Dealerships have terrible insurance, just FYI. I'd try to get your benefits covered completely (no out of pocket monthly premiums), but your actual benefits won't be that great. Talk to a business lawyer and make sure that if you do this as a sub-contractor your interests are protected. Talk with your insurance agent and make sure you're covered if something goes awry. Other than that, enjoy the ride. You may be the next Michael Dell, for all we know. Just remember us little guys...
  4. Sounds like you got off about as well as can be expected. Here's to a quick recovery. Let me know if you need any help packing or moving. I have a shitty little car, but I'm willing to do some lifting.
  5. I'm impressed that the bike didn't even fall over... but a waste of a perfectly good Viffer...
  6. That's pretty slick - one of our favorite day trips with the kids is to go to the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum in Dayton, then hit up Young's Jersey Dairy on the way home for dinner. Lots of slick stuff down there - they just added a space shuttle cabin, and they're close to having the funding to add on - they're building a fourth hanger so the space and Presidential exhibits can be at the main facility, not over at Wright Patt.
  7. Depending on the type of battery, the complete drain might have done it in, or it may need a more powerful charge than can be given by your tender. Take it to a Sears Auto Center - they have deep cycle chargers there, plan to leave it overnight. Make sure they don't just throw it on the quick charger (30-60 minutes). If it comes back bad, you know it's the battery. Sometimes if you drain a battery completely, it'll take more than a tender can manage.
  8. Don't care whether I'm in the Near East side of Columbus, or New Albany in a seven-figure mansion. If I wake up at 0300, and someone is in my house robbing me, and I feel myself or my family is threatened, I will take action, up to and including deadly force. Location doesn't matter.
  9. This is unacceptable. Is it possible to bring in a laptop from home to continue your "funny picture" posting?
  10. Looks pretty clean and it's practically new... can't speak to value, but you get what you pay for.
  11. This would be a lovely bike for Exarch to kill himself on...
  12. Someone buy this before the recent ex decides to key it, break out the glass and spraypaint "ASSHOLE" down the side of it. Then it won't be worth $6k to anyone but the insurance agent... on second thought...
  13. Yuck... sounds like a lot of pushing - is it not running? Are you injured?
  14. How are you stranded? Need a truck, or just directions out from behind the old Borders?
  15. jester3681

    02 vfr800

    Pretty bike! Just the kind of thing I'd be in the market for if I was in the market for a thing like that.
  16. That's because the Nissan Titan is a BOSS MOTHERFUCKING TRUCK!
  17. Right, because I'd be sneaking out the window when you were coming in the front door...
  18. I've done it a number of times. You'll make your money from the first 30% of stuff you sell, grind it out for another 40-50%, then just sell the rest as a lot. Swapping the frame is work, but not ridiculous. If you're familiar with the bike already, it should take a solid day. More than a 6 pack, less than a case...
  19. Can't really speak for ATVs, but in the scrap motorcycle world, the engine is the most valuable item in most bikes. If it's bad, don't expect much - $500 tops. Probably more like $300.
  20. I'll raise you to a general "FUCK YOU" to the entire Quarter Horse Congress and all of its participants. Motherfuckers, every one...
  21. This isn't a terrible idea. I could be in...
  22. Yeah, I gotta be honest, not going to miss Speed. Almost none of the shows I watched on there are on anymore, and I didn't set my DVR for them either. Velocity is my "car channel" of choice, and I still watch the Power Block on Spike TV Saturday mornings, mostly because Courtney Hansen makes my weiner firm.
  23. 60 seconds a month and .1 volts? What the fuck, is this SOVIET RUSSIA?!?
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