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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. jester3681


    You just laughed at the guy and took it? Shit, man!
  2. The reality is, once you get above the absolute cheapest speakers on the market ($199 for Blueray and receiver and 6 speaker surround kits), to truly note a difference in speaker and sound system quality, you need a space designed for the sound. Cheaper speakers can sound absolutely fantastic in a proper space, where expensive speakers can sound like junk in a tin can. The setup I had in college cost me $300 - $150 for a decent used Sony head unit and $150 for a Jensen 6 speaker surround kit. I set it up in my room and it sounded spectacular. Now, my room was perfectly rectangular with triple brick walls on three of four sides and a lathe and plaster wall on the fourth. Ceiling and floor were both solid - absorbed the sound nicely, didn't reflect odd noises. Sounded like a movie theater. We'd cram 20 people in that room to watch movies, because it sounded incredible. Same system in my house sounded like shit - open floor plan, cheaper drywall, slab foundation, etc. No sense spending $10,000 on sound equipment in a space where it doesn't matter.
  3. There was a George Carlin sketch a while back about carrying a gun with suction-cup arrows on it to mark idiot drivers and their cars. I'd vote for it.
  4. You can certainly use it, but it may not be ideal - I believe the sound bar is designed to simulate the entire surround sound experience. When you hook it to an actual surround driver, you'll probably notice the two fight each other. You'd probably be better off selling the sound bar and getting a nice surround set-up, assuming you still have this discount then. To be honest, it's been my experience that cheap speakers set up as a true surround system sound better than a super expensive system that's not a surround system. And by this I mean you are more immersed in the sound. For a good home theater, expect to shell out $2000+ for a receiver, Blueray, surround speakers, woofer, and front speakers. Then spend some dough on a good TV to make it worth watching. Having said that, in the last year, I sold off my big screen, got rid of my home theater and now just have a 32" 720p HD TV, cable and DVD. Can't say I miss the better system.
  5. jester3681


    Can I ask the rude question? How much did you give for this one?
  6. jester3681


    This one for you? You are really making me consider getting one of these for racing...
  7. Bout time! I was about to buy the dang thing just on principle. (not really, I'm scared of my wife)
  8. jester3681

    iPhone 5

    This really digs into some of the new features...
  9. I guess they were lucky they killed it. I'd hate to be down and injured and then have to deal with a pissed off mountain lion.
  10. I'll get on my soapbox for a minute here and say that we really need to tighten up the driving regulations here - I'm a firm believer in yearly driving and written exams, or at the minimum, a driving and written exam every four years when you renew your license. I also think the focus for LEO enforcement needs to shift from speed to distracted/erratic driving. I'm the first person to stand up for civil liberties, but driving is a privilege, not a right. And improper use of a motor vehicle can have deadly consequences. That is all.
  11. Anyone ever put one of these up in a garage? That's a project (finishing the garage) that may come up next summer...
  12. Did some reading, looks like this wouldn't really work for me... plan to switch to Verizon when my contract with AT&T expires, thought this might be an alternative. Looks like you got her sold!
  13. I noticed this in Atlanta - there is a ton more traffic, but people... well, people aren't assholes down there. There's none of the "fuck you, I won't let you in" stuff that we're all guilty of up here. As messed up as traffic is there, I always felt more at ease driving there than up here - the tension is certainly higher here.
  14. Yeah, I noticed that too. Not to hijack this into a political thread, but it's been pretty liberal for the past 5-10 years.
  15. It's getting bad out there - I'm a mess driving in a cage - part of the reason I sold my bikes... just can't trust central Ohio drivers.
  16. Yeah, also interested - how big is this thing, roughly? Would use it on the road, and wonder how well it would travel.
  17. Yeah, fro me, even my biggest stuff was more or less healed to the touch in about a week. It was still tender for two, maybe three in some places, but you should be ok to swim and what-not once the scabbing is more or less done. Just be sure to was the chlorine off with water and mild soap, then moisturize, moisturize, moisturize - I can't say enough good about Eucerin. I think it gives just the right about of moisture, but you have to apply frequently.
  18. Don't freak out - mine did that - may just be our skin type. I'd have the entire thing "peel" just before it was more or less healed. Keep moisturizing, but if you're like me, at this point the "open wound" portion of your tattoo progress is over. I'd say it's like a sunburn now, care for it as such. Incidentally, my first tattoo (on my bicep) didn't do this as badly, for whatever reason. My second one (much larger, on my back) was the first one to really peel completely. I was scared shitless the whole thing came off since I couldn't see it.
  19. That really, really looks like a lot of fun. I'd think that'd be a great way to get into racing.
  20. Well, that too. Network TV is getting pretty bad - most of my must-watch shows are on cable.
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