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Everything posted by Simplysix

  1. What a random time to start a thread about forum arguments.
  2. This thread made my day. So much rep What I learned: -don't switch to syn. Oil if you have a buttload of miles -how to teach "swallowing" -ninjachick has nice boobs (at least the top half) -no one wants to see Kent's boobs -guns are good -42% of all statistics are made up on the spot -and lastly, postwhoring is ok if it's on the NWS section Carry on and welcome to winter on OR
  3. Good looking dog, congrats on getting a great breed and +1 for adopting
  4. Drinking some Jameson as I type this, does that count?
  5. Might know someone interested pending more info
  6. I recently bought a old truck to use as a winter vehicle. It's an old f150 with a cap on the bed. Problem I have that the back window gets pretty foggy when it's raining. Is there any way to prevent this? It's hard as hell to see out of and there's no defogger/defrost since the window is part of the cap?
  7. As a guy who shaves his head, i Always wondered when I her laser commercials they mention legs, back, bikini, etc. can you laser hair on head/scalp so you don't have to shave every 2-3 days?
  8. Working back to back 12 hour days officially blows
  9. Damn! And the crazy part is that it's 100% stock other than a DTM tune!
  10. Bigger balls than me, F that. Badass video though
  11. Looks clean. Should make a great winter ride for someone. But agreed it should be a stick, they make corvettes with an auto trans to put they are much harder to resell. Just comes with the territory
  12. Good call, I've never tried this but now I have something to do at work tomorrow
  13. Good add ons. Keep us updated on round 2
  14. Amazing Someone please rep OP for this
  15. second half starting soon. continue drinking
  16. Simplysix

    iPhone 5

    Yes Max, the cloud is great. It'll keep all your texts, pics, contacts, apps, etc Great for if you ever lost/damaged your phone.
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