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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Take him on a quiet ride out into the country and beat the ever loving shit out of him, take his keys and leave him there. 19 and living at home = follow rules or get pushed out of the nest.
  2. It's supposed to be decent out. I'm taking off work and putting some miles on to make sure I got the cobwebs blown out of her from sitting all winter. This will not be a technical ride. There will be turns yes, but moderate pace due to road conditions. Plan on heading out of massillon and into the Cuyahoga valley area. So far it's me and the Malaysian invasion for sure, anyone else is welcome to join. We plan on heading out around noon and riding most of the day so if you wanna meet at a specific place and time post up.
  3. I wonder what this summer will be like....The last 2 were just hotter than fuck, the one before last was a drought for most of June and july. The one before that was for shit, rain rain rain. You wouldn't believe how bad the roads are in massillon, there are literally ft deep potholes the size of a car hood on some streets. Most of the northeast side looks like a bombing range. Haven't ventured out to look at some of my favorite riding roads out this way but I'm guessing they're pretty bad...and the city is basically too broke to fix the roads.
  4. Gotcha. I stop at the wrist and neck. Never know when you may be interviewed by someone down the road who looks down upon tattooed people.
  5. Awesome idea but could be a job killer during an interview...
  6. They don't care about the black vote because of some very simple concepts. Black people by and large vote straight ticket democrat. This makes them basically politically powerless. The gop doesn't bother trying to win their votes and the dems don't do anything to try to keep their votes because basically they are a constant in the equation. The only difference they make is dependent on how many actually get out and vote.
  7. I quit tracking on my fitness pal because A: it's a pain in the dick and B: a month of tracking has given me healthy eating habits. Did chest and back last night with 20 min of cardio. Sore as fuck today. Arms and abs tomorrow.
  8. Def won't be there at 10 am tho...how late is this supposed to go on?
  9. Welcome. Me and another member are planning to ride monday afternoon if you're interested in meeting up and putting some miles on.
  10. Probably traded some bore in for some stroke to give it more low end grunt and sacrificed the redline as a result.
  11. St1300 motor in a laid back cruiser style frame with tunes? I'd take it to Wyoming and back.
  12. Sounds like you're hot shit. Do any track riding?
  13. A: it's 'sued' not 'used'...you're the site administrator, check your spell. B: Fucking frivolous lawsuit. Needs tossed out on its own lack of merit. C: why didn't this guy do what I did when I rented from a slum lord? Have the health dept come in and document violations, contact fair housing, send a certified letter explaining that until the unit is up to code, rent checks will be placed in escrow. Any bitch he had above that, we'll he read and signed the lease.
  14. Ordered my optic last night. Found a weaver KASPA 4-16x44 on auction on ebay and used a bid sniper app to get it for $112. I think they retail for over $220. It's a budget-ish scope but I'm just shooting groundhogs and muskrats with it so I don't need something super fancy. Will post pics once I find rings and spacers tall enough.
  15. Honda engineer rides a suzuki...that's pretty good advertising right there.
  16. Do want. Can't justify the purchase. Glws
  17. Pretty much all of central downtown was leveled. Some good footage on youtube.
  18. Bring it down, I'll do your spring maintenance and I'll give you the friend price.
  19. Sorry your dog is nearing the end of the line. There are few things in life that are harder than losing a good dog.
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