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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Sounds like a boring ride, you should take the tow path trail or something, also get a sixth grade English book and learn to spell and use correct grammar, your posts make you look like a window-licker.
  2. ^ this. I have also noticed that now that my bike is blue it its much faster, also I get more bacon, blowjobs and free drinks. I wonderwhat would happen if I were to hang out next to my bike while slurping a blue slushie, eating blue cheese and training a blue tick hound....maybe a blue hole would open up?
  3. God that's an ugly bike. The motor is awesome, basically half of a midget Corvette ls7 motor. I'm sure its sheer joy to ride and it has just 100 miles less range than my Camry while making more horsepower. I guess I would ride it if someone bought it for me....
  4. Nick, you have been deprived of some great music. Before forming Primus, bassist Les Claypool tried out for Metallica after original bassist Cliff Burton was killed in a tour bus accident. Obviously he didn't get the job but they were impressedwith his talent, just too weird for Metallica. How have you not heard of them? Not sure if lives under a rock or bad at sarcasm.....
  5. Sounds like your technique is off a bit, or the float needles needed replaced. I lay the carbs down so the floats close the valves and blow gently into the gas inlet and see if any blow past. I hate float problems, especially setting float height, and its super important for the carbs on my fzr, float height controls mixture for the pilot jets. I suggest you visit a cbr forum and see if someone he's done a carb cleaning write up. Every bike has its quirks and an owners forum is the place to learn about them.
  6. Carbs are easy, take your time, do one at a time so you have an assembled one to draw reference from and never take them off the rack. You need a high E guitar string, compressed air and two big cans of carburators cleaner. Or you can soak in 50-50 pine sol and water overnight, or so I've read.
  7. Won't a gsxr fork putty much bolt right up? Then you would have actual cartridges instead of emulators.
  8. You get the corn meal, I'll get the peanut oil.
  9. Buy my seca 2. It just needs the carbs cleaned and fresh gas
  10. I'm sure the sheep don't require him to bag it up.
  11. I do extract brews as well, developed a killer ipa a few yrs ago.
  12. Love Primus. Every album has a song about fishing and a crystal meth reference.
  13. I've been brewing for ten years or so, very rewarding hobby.
  14. Ain't nothing in this world for free, just saying.
  15. Expect a paper bag full of broken glass along with your info being sold to the highest bidder. I'll just steal mine from the winking lizard.
  16. I'm happy with it, needs a vacuum sync on the carbs and the blinkers put back on and wired in but otherwise good to go.
  17. Void...stupid autocorrect... Meant gold....good...fucking autocorrect!
  18. Thanks. Living the brand new bt-14's. Nice and sticky. Put on about fifty miles today, first real ride of the year, super stoked for this season.
  19. Nice, now do it while bench pressing and doing a wheelie.
  20. Can't even enter date of birth from my Android tablet, fail sauce.
  21. Here's a shitty one for now, need better light.
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