Ok....too much to snip and quote on my little phone soooo..... Why are you referring to that 250 as a rocket dude? Rockets go fast. Not saying the ninja 250 isn't a bad bike, great for your first year and while it may look the part, its a slow bike. Old people should stay the fuck off the road. The last 6 accidents I've been involved in were due to a driver over 60 "just not seeing me". The elderly have diminished senses and reaction time, coupled with frail little old lady bones and poor coordination and are a fucking hazard. Don't get butthurt because there isn't a special section for your style of bike. The nazis had special sections for the Jews and that didn't work out so well. If your bike has any of that gay-ass village people leather fringe on it, just ghost ride it onto a bridge support, tassles are for titties, not handlebars. Is there anyone I haven't either offended or made laugh?