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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Wow, never suspected an Italian sport bike to completely trounce a japanese econo-box
  2. Searched hand signals and minivan hand signals. Both brought me back to this thread.
  3. I don't have a signal for that yet...I have turned my friends blinkers off for them at stop lights tho...or pulled out their key and tossed it across the street.
  4. Thanks. Sun shiney pic. Waiting on LED bulbs and then I can put on my clear alternatives tail light.
  5. I prefer retarded hand signals. Point to helmet for cop, point to tank for gas, otherwise shut up and ride.
  6. Diameter and circumference are proportional to each other, so its really about both. The thing is, an under inflated tire still had the same surface area, just a larger contact patch, so it should not make a difference in Speedo reading, or at least not a notable one. The same amount of surface feet are still pissing over the road per rotation of the wheel.
  7. I could make some jokes about finishing in your butt....good thing I'm way too mature for that.
  8. Now there's something I think we can all agree on.
  9. Five dollar boo koo money. Two dollar.
  10. I'll hold a shit till I get to work just so I can take the browns to the superbowl on the clock. That being said I avoid all other public toilets if possible. I have bowel issues so this becomes a problem. on a long ride I try to stop at metro parks to make a mud baby, they are always clean, well stocked and have sanitizer.
  11. Lol. I thought Asians were in charge of the happy endings.
  12. From the impression you've made on this forum I believe my assumptions to be accurate. If it walls like a duck, talks like a duck, has feathers like a duck and webbed feet like a duck, its probably a lying/boasting, squiddy no-load, jagoff douche bag fucktard.
  13. Oh koy....so many things wrong with what you say on here....first off, nobody and I really mean nobody believes a word you say about yourself, so to claim that you're from south central la and have two degrees and was a combat soldier and got shot and have chalk these super shweet vehicles and a big fancy job and that nobody can pass you in a corner etc...makes you look like a liar. Liar liar pants on fire.
  14. Koy, you would get a little more respect and credibility if you didn't talk like a tenth grade white kid who its trying to be black, that's not how grown-ups sound. Also, stop trying to sound hard when you live in tallmadge, especially of you went to school there. Nothing more threatening than white upper-middle class suburbia.
  15. Lmao. You indeed are an evil bastard.
  16. Yep, sounds like one of those UN insulated wires found a ground and blew your fuse.
  17. I was leering at it and thought I would share. Gotta start hanging and riverside range more often....
  18. Sound like you sorted something to ground and smoked a fuse to me, was your connection insulated while you were testing it?
  19. There used to be one of those only much older and made out of an old coup de ville in my old neighborhood back when I lived in ellet.
  20. Lmao. Yeah, and a slushie machine. Thread jack: complete.
  21. Oh Duane, I was wondering of you could put a twenty inch TV and some sub woofers on my moped this weekend, gotta step up my game to impress the gutter sluts.
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