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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Fuel injected engines need the pressure from the fuel pump to force the fuel through the injectors. Gravity feed only works on carburated bikes that use engine.vacuum to draw the fuel through the jets via the venturi principle.
  2. Seems to be two camps here, the "dead men don't sue" camp and the "castle doctrine will protect you" camp. While dead men don't sue, their families certainly can. I would rather pay a couple hundred grand because dickhead burglar has to limp to all his robberies now vs a few million because poor ole Mrs Johnson lost her sweet baby felon. I do believe the castle doctrine would prevent a civil case against this guys tho, he was outnumbered in his own home and well within his rights to shoot. It would take a crazy liberal nutsack of a judge to take any money out of his pockets and pit it into those of the thieves. The thieves are moat likely broke and can't afford to hire a lawyer, especially from prison, so I don't see how they could sue at all.
  3. More proof that guns cause crime and are dangerous to everyone and should be abolished. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8137
  4. Well there is no sump pump in my basement now and the floor drain is tied in with the toilet, shower and sink, which I hope run into the sewer.
  5. Well shit. As far as the sewer thing goes, there's a floor drain right in the basement, was just gonna run the sump into it. I simply can't afford to pay a company to come dig out all around the house. As far as the interior drains not solving the problem, the internet and my mom must have lied to me. She had b-dry come put interior drains in her basement and it completely solved her problem, and her basement.t would FLOOD before she had it done. I remember being a kid and sploshing around in ankle deep water down there. She payer $5500 to get it done about 6 yrs ago and hasnt had any moisture or mold problems at all after having finished the room with carpet and panelling.
  6. Hmm. No way I can come up with $15,000. I'm hesitant to tear out our landscaping, wood deck and concrete patio to waterproof the outside. I've read that the interior drain that flows into a sump pump and then gets pumped out to the street or into the sewer works just as good as an exterior one.
  7. My basement leaks from all 4 walls and I'm sick of the water. I'm looking into an interior perimeter drain and sump pump and have zero experience in this area. Anyone ever done one? Can recommend a contractor in the akron/canton area? Once I get it to stay dry I will be finishing it and building a bar, so naturally anyone who can help me out is welcome to shots nd beers once the project is complete.
  8. Too bad he's not Russian. I wanna know where he gets all the toys, I'll bet his dad is big time into nfa shit and has a ton of money. The gun community had a major axe to grind with that dude for not using ear and eye protection and ignoring basic safety rules. His videos are entertaining as Hell tho.
  9. Hey, if they're gonna put the chick on tv they should tighten that shit up, if I wanna look at dumpy broads I'll go to ihop.
  10. Nook tablet New coffee maker for work Stainless coffee mug for work Roto-zip zip saw Carhart hoodie 1.5 ton low profile floor jack 6 pack of gl Xmas ale 1.75 liter bottle of jager Tap and die set Pliers set Cuisenart compact blender $500 cash Assorted goodies (cashews, cookies etc) Damn good haul this year, more than I expected, way more than I deserved.
  11. Eh, both shows suck in their own way. The guy on American guns is a total douche bag, but his jailbait daughter dressing like street meat makes up for it. Sons of guns started out as a good idea but the producers fucking ruined it with the whole love story bullshit and all the suspense music every time they test something for the first time. Steph has an annoying voice and she's a little floppy in the midsection from her popping out a bastard child but I'd probably still hit it.
  12. Wish I woulda seen that deal. That's gonna make a sick streetfighter, wish I had advice for the rads.
  13. Dianne sawyer is a dirty scabby cunt. This has got to be the most biased thing I've ever seen. You can't have an agenda and call it an experiment. They set out to try and prove ccw holders will fail and filmed "evidence" to back up that claim. I want to be part of thy expeiment.
  14. The chick is smoking hot, you should do an "art film" about her boobies.
  15. Running out of room in the barn. This was my.first ever real motorcycle. clear title, street legal 11 HP 90 cc oil injected 2 stroke enduro with 2 sets of 4 gears, 100% bone stock. Shoot me an offer. Will post pics ASAP.
  16. Go for a factory service manual from Honda, a little pricey but not as generic as a clymer etc. There are 3 of them on eBay right now.
  17. My bikes are mothballed till April.
  18. Tragic, I can't begin to express my sympathy for her family and friends, anything I could say would ring hollow to a mother and father who just lost their child. That being said, it is statistically improbable, if not impossible that this will ever happen again. I mean, a blind shot travels 1.5 miles and hits a moving Target in the head? It was statistically improbable that it happened the first time. I'm a little surprised that the projectile had enough energy to kill by the time it got there. I'd like to know if it actuated penetrated the skull or simply killed her with mass and blunt force trauma. Think of all the piece of shit gangbangers that get shot multiple times at point blank range in the face and live and this poor girl takes one to the head accidentally from a mile and a half away and dies.... Kinda puts the whole "life isn't fair" thing into perspective. Again, my heart goes out to both families involved.
  19. Dude had to have Pooped a little when he saw that fucker fly over his head
  20. Yeah, making electronic music isn't super easy, you basically need all the skills of a decent recording engineer/producer to put it together right and decent skills as a pianist and a decent sense of rythm to make it sound ok....that being said those skills can be learned fairly quickly and I think it would take a lot more talent and practice for someone to learn and play the solo from slayers "raining blood"
  21. Squid: surely quick until I die. At least dude was wearing a bucket...pity about the bike tho, what a shame....in soviet Russia, bike rides you!
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