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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. If skippy there had the sand in him to pull the trigger he would have done so. Just another big pussy trying to make himself feel powerful but scaring other people. They should have just beaten him with the boards till he was paralized. I wouldn't worry about him coming back, someone that stupid is probably allready in prison getting his balloon knot stretched. I wouldn't worry about him being able to shoot with much accuracy either, looked like a snubby revolver and he was holding it in the classic homeboy fashion. I doubt he could hit his own dick with it.
  2. Dude has talent for sure and the editing wasn't completely terrible. If my girl had that tattoo I would try my best to underline the parts that I agree with lol....maybe dot some t's and cross some i's.
  3. It's a big stretch to say that they would apply that plan to killing thousands of citizens and destroying the center of our economy. If they did, there would be evidence of the plan, just like this northwoods document. That means eventually the truth would come out through FOIA. I couldn't find anything about this on snopes so I can't say for sure it isn't a total fabrication. What I do know is that all the 9/11 conspiracy theories are absolute, unmitigated horse shit. Here's a theory for you; a small group of extremists with very limited resources, driven by crazy religious beliefs and an almost psychotic hate for America hijacked some planes, controlled the passengers, killed the crew and flew into the pentagon and wtc. The end. If someone had come to you in 2000 and laid that shit on you, you would call them crazy.
  4. Wrote my congressman about this, we will see how the vote pans out.
  5. If the iron sights are accurate and you can still use them through the scope mount, bag the rifle on a rest, put the iron sights on the bull and then adjust the scope until the hairs are close. After that just walk your shots in until you're satisfied
  6. Lol' troll face trumps anything you could possibly say stump. Choose your battles wisely.
  7. Wow...that's some puritanical bullshit. My girlfriends family wasn't thrilled that we moved in together without being married but she basically told them to fuck off lol.
  8. Maybe a stupid question but why don't you live with your fiancee?
  9. Does anyone in the akron/canton area have a valve spring compressor they could lend me? I want to port and polish the head for my cb750 build. Is be happy to trade for some sand blasting/degreasing or alodine work.
  10. Akron-peninsula rd to 303 to riverview. Gotta love the valley cruise
  11. Litigious bastards, I'm not surprised, this is the company that tried to copywrite an exhaust tone. I'm gonna start selling knock-off "haley donaldson" bandanas on eBay to fill the market gap.
  12. +1000000, thanks for your service, wish I could buy each and every one of you A beer or a mcrib.
  13. Yeah.....never eating one....the only thing I eat from McNasty's is breakfast, and only like 4 times a year.
  14. +1 on the rep for going with a rescue. Some of the best dogs I've had were rescue mutts. Best of luck finding your new best friend.
  15. Ummm, Wtf? Brazillian women are hot, why fuck the livestock?
  16. What a bunch of morons, let's all get dirt bikes and wheelie around the projects....bet they have to park em in the living room so they don't get re-stolen. Not one pair of eye protection let alone a helment among them. What a pack of fools
  17. Good pistol, I have a two-tone one I've been carrying for 2 years now, have put well over 500 rds down the pipe with no issue.
  18. The only good part of the freeway is getting on or off it. Also, I can't seem to not do like 90-100 mph while I'm on it.
  19. Thought it was pretty good, can't possibly touch deadwood tho.
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