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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. It is in Ohio. I'm kinda sick of channels.ripping.off show ideas tho. History seems to get bitten a lot. I'm also tired of a channel that's supposed to be about history showing bullshit like ancient aliens and ice road truckers. This show might be cool, I'll give it a shot since its obvious that the producers on sons of gums have taken the reins and scripted the Hell out of it...not to mention the stupid suspenseful music and the commercial break cliff hanger every time they fire a fucking weapon.
  2. D/l an app called pdanet to the bb, and D/l pdanet software to the laptop. Not sure if it works on bb but it does with android. If it doesn't work, ditch that trackball pos and get an android.
  3. I need this bike, what will you take in trade? I'll give you 2 bikes and a truck.
  4. Cheech and chong did it with their pot farm in nice dreams lol.
  5. You should see the things the English did in Africa during ww2, they "moved" the Suez canal among other things. It's in the book "war magician" by David fisher.
  6. It has officially been taken too far....I don't mind so much when an established institution like robot chicken does it, but nobody else should fuck with my thundercats.
  7. Can't say I've ever done that, and now I definitely know not to try. Your failure is my success. I now owe you a beer.
  8. Wow, they are just bound and determined to turn the whole city into a scooby-doo ghost town.
  9. Well Damn, guess not. I can't afford to go burn up 500 rds unless its .22. There's only one range that I know of near my house and its pistols only, which kinda sucks. I wish I had an outdoor place to shoot.
  10. I don't know how many of you out there that follow this trend but I certainly do. As soon as bike season is over I stop spending all my free time and money on bikes and bike stuff and turn my attention to guns. Shooting, hunting, building, buying....all things gun. I hate to admit but I haven't shot since early march. During the riding season I just can't seem to drag myself off the bike to mow the lawn regularly or do basically anything I should he doing let alone indulge in another hobby. Last winter I decked my AR out with Yankee hill free float tube, MI flip-ups, magpul MOE furniture, ASAP sling mount, mm2 sling an eotech and a little skull mag release button. I have no idea what I'll do this winter but I'm sure it will be awesome.
  11. Which is why I invested heavily in lead a few years ago....the screw heads won't be kept at bay forever, and they're gonna want my canned goods when they take to the streets.
  12. Very interesting stuff. Now someone build a flux capacitor on my old Honda so I can go back to the 70's and get cheap parts...and also buy up as much gold as I can find at $200/ounce, bring it back and sell it for $1400/oz and buy a fleet of superbikes and some 100 yr old scotch...
  13. I know a guy that had an rc51, he said it was only good for acceleration, braking and turning. At a constant speed it was pretty much worthless in terms of ridability. As far as the rebuild you want to do on the f2 that it doesn't really need, take it from someone who is halfway through a motor rebuild project that I'm already into for $500+, its time and money and lots of both, neither of which you will ever recoup. I'm boring and camming my old cb 750 just because I never have done that on an inline 4 and want to be able to say "i built the motor myself" to every Harley rider I smoke on it, but its never going to perform like a modern bike. F2 was awesome for its day but the market has made huge advances in motor, frame and especially suspension technology since then. If you have the cash, get something new-ish, its going to respond and perform better than that f2 no matter what you do to it. If you're going to drop a shit ton of dough, get something exotic like ktm or aprilia...I almost never see those on the road.
  14. Yeah, I'll try and get some up tonight or tomorrow. It's not too bad, nothing a little bondo and spray paint can't fix. The brake lever works, a new one is like $7 on eBay.
  15. Lmao. 1947 technology at 2011 prices. My dad recently crossed over and became a Harley guy...stopped riding his VR45 magna and bought some shiny thing that resembles a paint mixer when its idling, now I have to wait for him at every stop sign....
  16. The Chrysler corp makes garbage, I hope you leaned your lesson there. That being said, you could try to find parts at a wrecking yard like pull a part and do the work yourself to save some money. You're only gonna get a grand or so for it if you sell it, I'd beat it till it dies, stuff a rag in the gas tank and light it, then buy an old camry, corolla or accord.
  17. Wow, an 883 with NOS....that must make like...65 rwhp. And its a hard tail! What a piece of junk.
  18. How do you think the tools you buy got engineered? I was a machinists for 8 years and had to engineer and build several tools for all sorts of different stuff at work. A broom stick is softer than any part inside that fork, so it can't possibly damage anything, and its just used to keep the damper from spinning so you can break loose the screw that holds it in the fork. Could someone explain to me why that's so terrible?
  19. Price reduced to $1300, need to make room in the driveway.
  20. Plugs work good but can let go in extreme heat or speed. My cousin threw a plug at 145 while running from the cops, ended up getting caught. I've had a plug in the back tire of my seca since memorial day weekend and had it up to 110 in 90 degree heat no problem. I have heard of string plugs simply oozing/popping out of the tire at a stand still on really hot days tho.
  21. Compression ratio has nothing to do with rings and everything to do with combustion chamber geometry. As long as the rings are file-fitted and you have propper gap tolerances all the way around they will perform the same regardless of compression ratio.
  22. Well bud, I would suggest you cozy up to some members who own some of the bikes you're looking at and see if you can't test a few out. It's a beautiful community out there....
  23. Well dog my cats! I needs to get me some education! Maybe next spring if I sell enough of my old shit I can buy a bike built during the current millennium. Till then me and my ole flea bitten coon dog will make do using broomsticks and spare parts from the ole moonshine still out back, lol.
  24. This dude should have read up on his scripture. Idk the book or chapter, psalms 144.1 "blessed the lord my strength which teaches my hands to fight and my fingers to war. I'm not even Christian and I know that shit.
  25. Hey man, you can be a snob all you want but don't question my methods. I'm an FAA certified mechanic so I'm pretty sure I can do a set of forks. I just jack all the weight off the front end, remove the caps, let the 1/2 inch or so of compressed spring decompress, remove the springs, shove my hillbilly broom stick into the depression on the end of the dampening rod and use an impact wrench to remove the cap screw at the bottom of the fork leg. Like I said, I work on older stuff and have never done a set of inverted forks, maybe its a lot different and requires fancy-pants tools. This is how I do it and I got the directions off of a yamaha forum. Next you'll tell me I shouldn't use a length of 1-1/2 inch pvc pipe to press the new seal in.
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