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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. Got out for an hour or so, hope for a longer ride tomorrow. Boy are the creeks really swollen right now, it has rained so much here lately.
  2. Well those were the days when you actually rode, now you are older and out of bike shape. Good luck and have fun buddy, you are gonna need it on that torture rack.
  3. What the heck would you ride all that ways there and back and all over down there......the 675?
  4. If the roads are clean and it is above freezing, I go for a ride.
  5. I wholeheartedly disagree that the first maintenance is the most important on a new bike, but to each their own.
  6. Price for black guard on a 2006 V-Strom 1000 please.
  7. I will allot that you can blow me a lot!!!!!
  8. Pretty safe to say that statistics are in favor that more CHL owners are doing a good job than not, and all of this with little to no experience. Right to carry, that trumps the rest in my eyes.
  9. Emotions run high when it comes to law enforcement and especially active duty and veterans, and when you take the "oath" there are more that take it seriously than do not. We all have a tendency to jump to conclusions and assume things, but sometimes things are also very much as they appear to be, especially when there are those that were/are "credible" and witnessed it all.
  10. A personal attack is going to occur within less than 7 yards, I am betting she would be just fine. The sheer presence of a gun is also quite the deterent, the trigger is not always pulled to stop an assault.
  11. I made that clear I thought? Well the Army charged him, so that says allot in my book.
  12. Well that piece of shit deserter Bowe Bergdahl is hopefully gonna get what's coming to him, which will be life in prison. Good on the top Army officials for not caving in to political correctness and bowing down to King Obama and his subjects. Personally I think he should be put to death if found guilty, especially considering 6 soldiers died looking for him and our KING let loose 5 really really bad guys in exchange for him. He will have a rough time in prison "if guilty", will likely need to be under constant suicide watch and under protection due to other prisoners wanting to kill him.
  13. I will just leave this here, kind of proves my point. http://www.gunlaws.com/ConstitutionalCarryIndex.htm
  14. So where are all of these inexperienced and little to no trained citizens who are carrying, that are causing so much danger to society and those around them? I will answer that.......they are everywhere and its very rare when something bad is happening due to their ignorance and lack of experience and training. Right to carry regardless of experience or training, that is what matters most to me. I used to feel the same way about training at one point in time, but I saw the errors of my ways and common sense prevailed.
  15. As a Father who's son is an active infantryman, all this shit going down over there "and with Russia" is really starting to stress me out. It is sounding like he will be getting deployed before years end for sure, could be as early as August. Lots of our troops have deployed over there recently, and more are on the way.....media is not talking about this.
  16. You mean the throttle cable free play, checking bolts for tightness, oil and filter change? No damn throttle body sync needs to be done, that is ludicrous.......save your money and put a shit ton of miles on it before you need to worry about anything else other than oil and filter changes "well other than tires".
  17. Damn it I want that, no extra cash right now!!!
  18. Most of those idiots would likely vote for Hillary Clinton too.
  19. I always wear plugs, and to those that believe your hearing is "OK" and that you don't wear them........you are fooling yourselves. I feel naked without mine in, and I cannot stand how loud and obnoxious all the wind noise is "that is what causes the damage some of you claim is not occurring". To each their own, but you are not doing yourselves any favors by not wearing them I can assure you of that.
  20. Oh the ignorant and clueless people, it never ceases to amaze we what jibberish they spew about things they do not understand nor will ever understand. The naivety of some is just staggering, you really have to wonder if they were dropped on their head as a baby.
  21. Welcome....and looks like Hoblick may have some competition for bike lust. LOL
  22. Pokey

    Good News thread:

    Think I got my annoying small oil leak fixed, replaced both the clutch slave seal and the drive shaft seal.....so far no leaks!
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