Jessie's bike is a work of art, what is so amazing is that it is well hidden. That bike has serious hp, fast, allot of torque, beautiful paint and flawless attention to detail and a gas tank that will allow you to actually enjoy it. I think it is flat-out gorgeous and I would love to own it and ride the shit outta it. There was very little of his bike that wasn't hand crafted, although what Jr did was simply amazing to me regardless of the vendors that helped him. It was still his vision and dream, the guy is so talented it is ridiculous. Think of all the talented people he uses to create the masterpieces, they all can say they had a part in that. Should Rick ever go over to PJD, it will more than likely be over for OCC. Now what OCC did was really cool, but not the appropriate build-off for doing it.........very stupid on their part!