Thanks, I am pretty fond of it. You are more than welcome to go with me sometime, matter of fact I encourage it. There will be absolutely no pushing it from me, just follow me and RELAX, don't gaze, don't space out, don't over think. The bike wants to go where you tell it to, relaxed body position and look where you want to go. Worst thing you can do is to look down at the road while in the curve, but looking on down the road to where you want to go is what you wanna do. Any braking needs to be done before the curve if you can avoid it, use those gears to scrub off some speed. Staying in a lower gear in the twisty bits and choosing the proper gear to use is ideal, engine braking is usually your friend. Don't be afraid to rev that bad boy, those SV's love to rev!!! I am still a bit sheepish and paranoid about going offroad again due to my shoulder injury last year, but I am also not quite physically ready or healed enough to do so. But I will none the less, much to the concern from my Wifey. I think 541 would be a great road for you to get some confidence back on, no real surprises on that road. Hit me up sometime, we can go out even if it is just for a bit, can always ride around Hoover and Alum Creek area to start out.