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Posts posted by Jester_

  1. They will tell you what they think you should have for springs. Il shoot you a pm with their contact info. 

    Turn one is bumpy, and you enter it at 80-90, other than that the track is smooth. There is one little "bump" which I hate to even call it that on the last turn. But if you feel it you are on the correct line. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Sweet! That was a slight worry for me. If anything they'll tell me to gain weight or change springs and they'll get it as close as they can during that weekend.


    70 days..........

    They will change all that for you while you're down there if you want.they will want you to ride it feels a couple sessions to get your thoughts on it then make changes for the afternoon. They would re spring it for you Saturday night if you want that done. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, redkow97 said:

    Josh Herrin can't be more than 160, and he does pretty well on a 1000.

    i would never tell anyone not to get stronger, but you don't need to be adding mass. 

    Josh Herrins bike is also sprung for his weight. 


    I think Tim was trying to avoid a spring change. 

    • Upvote 2
  4. 54 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Whatever cooler I bought at walmart keeps my stuff cold for days. Ice may melt after 24 hours but the water is still cold after. I usually am done using it before anything in there gets warm. I believe I have something like this: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Igloo-28-Quart-Island-Breeze-Cooler/23735485

    Works for keeping my drinks/ sammich meats/ the towel I use to cool off/ and the occasional random subway sub cold. But I'm imagining you are looking for something larger.

    Edit: If I want room for beer, I'll have to purchase another cooler.

    I was looking for something to keep ice for a couple days. I'm sick of cooking soggy hamburgers. 

  5. I am back to 195lbs which I suppose is my normal weight at this point, that's what I weighed all last season. I was down to 180 2 years ago when we first went to road atlanta, would like to lose atleast 10lbs between now and RA. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Holy mother.....

    It is glorious, however has set back my weight loss goals.


    I need to stick to the straight and narrow from here on out to keep up with all you guys and your big blocks at road atlanta.

  7. 2 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    I agree with most of this minus the dining out most every meal. Speaking as someone without a toy hauler, I usually bring a cooler full of drinks and foods. Someone usually has a skillet or a grill or something else that gets hot and cooks food.

    Sunday at NC bike last year I had the whole paddock smelling like bacon before the riders meeting. 

    We did eat out once though, well some of the other guys did, thats when @Jester_ was introduced to BK's rodeo cheeseburger. I think he's a fan for life now.

    I have moved on to the Bacon King. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Qman said:

    Dont miss Glacier NP while you're at it!

    I was there once. When I was a kid my parents took us on a 3 week vacation out west with our camper. We got to see all kinds of stuff out there, yellowstone and the sequoia forest were my favorites. But we were in death Valley to Seattle to mount Rushmore, the petrified forest etc.... Looking back on it I really wish I would have appreciated it more than I did. 

    Anyways it will be added to the list for sure!

    • Upvote 1
  9. I technically don't have a trailer right now, but my buddy parks his in my driveway and in return I can use it whenever. 


    I would love a toy hauler. Having a wife and kids they aren't real excited about sleeping on an air mattress with no access or heat or ac or pretty much anything and they would like to go on longer trips with me, maybe even extend some trips. Jennings could turn into Disney for example if you extend the trip for example. I was hoping to get one this year but my old truck went TU and I got a new one instead of a toy hauler for this year anyways. Also we have lots of camping trips planned that we would love to have a camper for, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon etc... 


    But yes there are certainly cheaper ways of getting to the track, Ryan showed us that with his Saturn. But last year Ryan, Brandon and I went to road atlanta and back last year and I think between the 3 of us it was $70 a piece for fuel, doing 20ish days a year that helps out. So more than one way to skin a car I suppose. 

  10. I didn't know Steve was going, awesome!


    I will add in to not expect any power there. They have open breaker boxes and you need to add your own breaker to a live box. Or there is like 1 plug where we normally pit. 


    None of that mattered last year because it rained and the weekend was pretty much a drunken blur. 

  11. Sounds like we have a big crew going down there. We need to figure out some travel plans. 


    I count 9 of us, but Bill and Ron will probably go on their own.


    We can move things around in the trailer to fit 6 bikes, plus the bed of the truck unless someone else wants to use their truck/trailer as well. Either way we will need to take an extra car for people to sit in. 

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