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Posts posted by Jester_

  1. 13 hours ago, kbrok said:

    Might be interested in this.  was gunna do a track day the day after this but not sure If my fat body can take two days in a row or if my bank account will like it. If I do end up going this day I need to find someone with an open trailer spot as I only had access to a trailer for the day after possibly.

    Depending on what area of Cleveland you are coming from im sure someone close should have a spot for your bike. 

  2. Had a good time this past weekend. Had a few guys stop over to chat from here which is always nice. 

    Ran one day and got a 2nd and a 6th or something like that. It seems like its mostly how quickly you can get yourself in a decent position with that many bikes per class and how many laps you have to move up front. 


    First race I started mid-rear of the pack and was in 2nd place in a lap and a half. Ended up leading most of the race but ended up with 2nd and got into the 38s. 

    2nd race I had a worse starting spot, back row if I remember correctly and never could make it past 6th place I dont think. 


    Was nice to see you again Andrew. Last time I saw you I was crashing at your race school haha

    • Upvote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, i-Zapp said:

    you're kidding right???? no way that would have ever happened in my household (20 years ago...).

    Haha my wife lets me do whatever for the most part. We discussed it a week ago and she didnt have any issues with me doing a race as long as everyone was healthy.

    And its not like id be spending the night or something,  just drove back and forth for practice and whatever. 

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  4. On Tue Apr 25 2017 at 6:38 PM, Al Z. Heimer said:

    Not me Dan. Tonik and I left Wooster about 9:45ish headed south. If it was me I would have been blowing my horn. I always do. I will stop one of these days. I promise. 

    Please do if you see me out!

    • Upvote 1
  5. 3 hours ago, blue03636 said:

    Dan, that is moving on a 600. I know between my crappy drive and I thought I was holding on the gas past the cone down to the 300 mark (I was not according to my gps data, I was just holding speed from there down). Some day I will catch back up to you. :D

    Give it a few days and you will right back up to pace. 

  6. Well  I was going to edit my post with a narrative about each picture and the overall weekend but now I cant edot the post or delete it so I can make a new post so whatever.... il just paste what I wrote in here and it wont make any sense. 



    Filling up in Beckley WV where we stayed the first night. 




    AznTim cooked us up some burgers for dinner Friday night. 




    Hes so fast 




    Cleaned up before we left.




    It was a long drive home, left at 5pm and got home at 415. 


    Filling up before we left GA. 




    We had a few crashes and an equal number of mechanical failures but everyone worked together to keep everyone riding all weekend. I had a best time of 1:41 which I was content with "was hoping for a 1:39" and had a top speed of 154 which is hauling the mail for a 600. 


    Was a great weekend to knock the rust off, cant wait for the next one. 


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