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Everything posted by Jester_

  1. I normally run 31/23 Unless I mix them of course.. which I have done twice already this year.
  2. Jester_


    Anyone doing PIRC the 20th or 21st? I wasent planning on it but I could be convinced. Its the weekend before the WERA races so there should be someone to get a good tow from.
  3. Jester_


    I didnt sign up for 8/29-30 yet. Need to get on that. I might be in for VIR but thats alot of driving over night for a day or two at VIR, then another late night coming home.
  4. Jester_


    I am REALLLLLY looking forward to this. Registered for both days.
  5. Jester_


    Wow... sounds like there is going to be alot of OR guys there.... I wasent planning on going but im not so sure if everyone is going. Was trying to save $ for WERA PIRC round but I dont think I am going to race anymore this year.
  6. I was pitted right beside you, had no idea it was you or would have stoppe over to chat.
  7. That guy is the worst. But he is the official trackday bartender..... cant be all THAT bad.
  8. Was great seeing everyone again! I was going through tires quickly this weekend as well. I didnt take any video this weekend but ran some good lap times and didnt crash so all is well. Got into the low 1:02s which is a new best for me. Now to figure out when the next track day is.
  9. You still have time to get there.
  10. Jester_


    WOW congrats. There was two at Summit point last weekend, they look killer.
  11. WERA is at PIRC in June as well. Sorry I missed your call last night John, will give you a call this evening.
  12. Yes your motoseries cert will work. I'm not sure about mid ohio yet. Going to run PIRC and see how much $ I have left for the year.
  13. This section is as good as dead anymore. We had a good weekend overall, Ron was there for the trackday and Brandon and I did a couple races. I got a 4th in the 20 and 3rd in the sprint "novice class". I got into the low 21s and Brandon the low 20s, from what I understand that is pretty decent for being the first time at the track. I will put up some videos/pictures when I get some time.
  14. Wait a sec.... a hint in this post??? I am changing my vote to a monster.
  15. hmmmm....... I am going to agree with Ryan on this one, S1000R.
  16. They make you work for the bump to A for sure. I suppose it is dependent on what CR you ride with but for the most part they do a good job.
  17. I personally like founders chocolate stout. http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1199/11757/
  18. Awesome, will see you out there Chuck. N2 seems to be ran by a fairly level headed group of people, if you bring up a concern with them they will work with you to fix it if they can.
  19. He wouldnt be riding, would just be tagging along for the trip as something to do. I camped there once last year for Shenny and it was free for us. I can do whatever, sleep in the trailer, hotel or tent... doesnt matter to me.
  20. Maybe... Tim might want to go down there for the weekend as well but not ride. "You probably remember him from Jennings last year" Are you planning on camping out at the track?
  21. N2. They are out there on the north track later in may and then they are the first org to be able to use the full track later in the year. They also just put on FB that they have a bunch of air fence that they just got and are going to use it out there.
  22. No thanks, im just going to use that as my excuse when I get all nervous about racing. "Oh shit look 20% chance of rain.... im out."
  23. If I had rains I would be in for sure regardless. I will probably be getting there late on thursday night/early friday morning.
  24. F Shenandoah... il sit around and drink on the 12th so you have a chance on the 13th on the main track.
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