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Posts posted by Jester_

  1. I got home about a half hour ago. We stopped to eat at hog heaven bbq in new philly.

    We didn't get to make it to 20, was getting to late. I have no idea how many miles I put on, probably a couple less that jerry and doc

  2. we let rhill lead towards the end of the ride, he went bersek lol We are thinking of just letting him go ahead next time and wait for us in the next intersection :D

    saturday is a good day, ride hard and rest on sunday.

    planning on touching some WV routes this time. Will post details later.

    @Rhill, just paste the simple youtube link in the post, dont even need to put tags on

    I think I am ok to go on saturday now. Who all is going?

  3. I actually got a few low profile mounts in the mail from gopro a day or two ago.

    I really like the helmet mount to the rear, because the tail was in frame most of the time, but from the front its kind of disorienting since none of the bike is in frame.

    Jester, next time we are riding remind me and I'll get some closer shots if you want. I really wish the camera didnt go dead when it did, missed some good portions of the ride and missed a ton later in the day when I was riding a little more aggressive.

    I dont know how much more aggressive Jerry and I would go. Seeing as that was my first time riding with you guys im sure I will get more comfortable and try to pick up the pace a bit when im ready.

  4. awesome ride, about 350 miles. Rhill might have 500 on his. Great day to ride. perfect temp and by luck we kept escaping the rain for good.

    I have just over 300 miles not including my last tank of gas which has 3 bars left. I was putting our fuel ups in fuelly. Unless I counted the first fill up by accident which is a possibility.

  5. I love my viffer, only downsides that I see are that the valve adjustment is expensive if you dont do it yourself and my biggest complaint is that it generates alot of wind noise... or atleast I think it does.

    Also it doesnt need to turn 6000rpm on the highway either.

  6. Heres something I heard that would help you ride faster. If you are turning left for example try to make that left elbow point straight out from the bike. That will pull your head behind the mirror, then just slide one cheek off the seat.

    Not sure about the validity of that statement though.

  7. Dont do it every day though, once or twice a week. Well I ride once or twice a week, coldest ride this year so far was 42 degrees.

    And an open hov lane separated from all traffic by cement barriers at 6am makes up for the crappy commute :-) only place I seriously speed and dont have to worry about anything.

  8. I learned to ride by following my dad around. When I wasent doing that I was practicing slow manuvers in our church parking lot. I learned alot and still do by following him and seeing how he handles different situations. Also anytime I am around cars I pretend like I am 100% invisible. I ride through downtown Pittsburgh traffic during my 112 mile commute to work and back and have not had an issue yet. But I have also only been riding for a little over a year.

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