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Everything posted by ama146

  1. Thanks guys, I will give Jake a call today and see if he can help me out.
  2. I'll be there Saturday for race school. Red R6 #57
  3. I would suggest mounting it on the bike. With my phone in my leathers it would only record every other lap. I only got 1 or 2 laps total that came out properly each session.
  4. I have a small TSC trailer I use to haul my track bikes around with. I ended up having to have one bike mounted forward and the other mounted backward in order to take some tongue weight off since it was too much for my tow vehicle. This ended up making the front corner of the trailer to sag a little from the weight on one side. Looking under the trailer, there is VERY little support under there. So I am seeing if anyone is willing to reinforce this trailer? Maybe triangulate the deck with the tongue and add a few more metal supports under the deck so it isn't so flimsy? If you are able to do it, post up here or PM me how much you are thinking it will cost and where you are located. I can just drop the trailer off and pick it up when it's done as well. Thanks!
  5. I downloaded it yesterday for Beaverun since my lap timer took a shit. The only place I have to put it is a little pocket inside my leather suit. It obviously obstructed the signal as I expected, but it did work sometimes and it worked pretty well. My question is, to anyone else who uses it; do you mount your phone on the bike or do you use an external Bluetooth GPS receiver and keep the phone in your leathers? I figure the GPS receiver will make the timer more accurate anyway, so that seems like the obvious choice to do. Thanks for any help
  6. I will be there Saturday now with a few extra plugs on my genny if you need one gsxr_red15. Just throw down a few bucks for gas if ya could.
  7. so sunday is looking at 30% chance of rain. how does that make people feel that are going sunday? worried about rain or do you guys think it wont rain anyway?
  8. all this talk of the mini 20 has me wondering... what is the differences between the spint races and mini 20 races?
  9. I had an excellent time with track tactics this yesterday. They had cookies and shit for when you signed in and some other free food. Their control riders were constantly towing people around and helping the entire time. They would follow people out and give them tips. Some people would come by every now and then just to make sure we were having a good time and if we had any questions or needed any help. And to top it all off, the track "walk" and watching the AMA guy ride was an EXCELLENT idea and I wish other orgs would do this. It helped me seeing an AMA pro ride the track and watching his lines, and I am sure it helped everyone else very much. I could tell they really cared about the riders and making sure everyone had the best possible time. A+++ I wish these guys did more track days around here
  10. I should be there Sunday with an extra plug on my genny if anyone needs it. I probably have enough spare wattage to run another 2 sets of warmers
  11. Ill be there Sunday intermediate weather permitting.
  12. Well my bike is 417lbs. wet and my buddies can't be much more. So that's 150lbs. right there we got back. But we did towed like this already 4-5 times. 2 of which were to Grattan. It doesn't have the easiest time stopping but I always give myself alot of room to stop.
  13. I'll be doing the race school on Sunday as well.
  14. Yep it is the 4 cylinder. I guess all I can do now is just mess around with it this weekend and see what I can do. The problem with the generator is that it is too big to fit between the bikes in the middle of the trailer. So it either has to go to the front of the back of the bikes. And there is no way I can fit it in the back of the car haha.
  15. Good point. With the axle on the trailer pushed so far back, I feel I can put the bikes all the way to the back of the trailer and they will be pretty close to centered over the axle. I would then put the generator in the front of the trailer to add to any lacking tongue weight. Also, it is a 2010 Kia Sorento if that changed anything.
  16. Alright thanks guys. I am going to mess around with this for sure this weekend. So the general rule is with everything loaded, I should have no more than 200lbs on the tongue? I can use a scale as well for this to help...
  17. Yeah I didn't think about that when I mounted the chocks. I think if I center the bikes on the trailer axle, the weight should be pretty close to perfectly distributed. I am reading online that the weight should be distributed 60% front to 40% rear. My wildcard that is going to make things difficult though is that I have a 120lbs. generator that I need to fit on the trailer and can throw off the weight distribution... I am thinking maybe move the bikes back pretty far, maybe 6" away from the tailgate and then put the generator in the front of the trailer... I just can't seem to think of any easy way to experiment with the weight and mounting without drilling a ton of holes in my trailer for mount the chocks, etc. EDIT: It is the 4 cylinder Kia. I also have a 1-1.5" rise drawbar as well. But the Kia is sagging more than I like in the rear. That is why I want to move everything back, take some tongue weight off to help balance it a bit. I am just trying to figure out the right way of figuring out how far I can move it all back without having it sway on me.
  18. i really like the black actually. the thinner "spokes" makes it look sexy as hell
  19. I have this trailer http://www.tractorsupply.com/carry-on-trailer-reg-5-ft-x-8-ft-wood-floor-trailer-2-000-lb-capacity-1012438#product_tabs I have the chocks mounted maybe 6-8 inches away from the front of the trailer and I haul 2 bikes with them like that. I am using a Kia Sorento which is not at all made to tow anything. This past trackday I noticed it was sagging more than usual and the trailer was actually at a downward angle at the tongue. So I figured I have way too much tongue weight. My question is what is the best way to get the proper tongue weight? I want to keep as much weight off my car as possible since it isn't made for towing. I did the math and I am hauling a total of around 950lbs. WITHOUT the trailer weight included. TSC doesn't have the trailer weight on the website, so does anyone happen to know how much the trailer actually weighs? If so, anyone have any ideas on proper tongue weight for my setup? Thanks for any help
  20. That's how it is for most of us already. I mean my bike has none of that and I assume most people are the same way.
  21. Ill be there. Signed up this morning. They go to beaverun a lot and I like beaverun much better than Nelson so I might skip out on nelson a few times with motoseries to ride beave more this year
  22. Also, not trying to take away from Moto Series, but NESBA has a Beaverun trackday on Sunday which is supposed to be an excellent day.
  23. "April 27, 28, and 29 CANCELLED With the predicted conditions for our upcoming event being mixed, with predominate rain and cold temperatures. Thanks to the track management (Kerrie and Scott) we are able to cancel this weekend's event. All registrations will be available for use at our next Nelson event, or eligible for a future date if your schedule does not permit. Please contact us and we will be happy to reschedule your day. Email is the preferred contact method if possible as we expect a high volume of phone calls. To help expedite your forwarding registration, all pre-registered riders for this event date will be moved automatically to May 18-20 weekend respectively."
  24. Anyone else in the fence about going Saturday due to cold and possibly rain?
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